Doctor Vanil Laplace



4 years, 10 months ago


"I'm sure you're vondering about zese cages? I did zat. I let zem all out. I thought it vould be funny, and it vas!"

Doctor Vanil Laplace is a goddamn mystery. Nobody exactly knows where he came from, and leading theory is that he walked into the building one day and just announced he worked there now. Despite his extreme eccentricity Laplace is actually quite brilliant and his experiments have brought no end of trauma profit for Sentinel. He was one of the leads on the Echo Project, which was where he met and fell in love with his wife Cocoa Laplace.

He's also an extraordinary cook, has an obnoxious German accent, sleeps in the lab with alarming frequency, has threatened to just go to work naked when the laundry took too long, is afraid of nurses and dryer lint, and if you touch his hair or look at Cocoa wrong he's going to make an example of you.

The first question out of most recruits' mouths is usually "Is Doctor Laplace a cryptid?" and the answer is "we have no idea".

[] Yes, I do type out his accent. It's intended to be obnoxious because it's clearly faked. He thinks it is flawless. He also cribbed it wholesale from TF2 as he mains Medic.
[] He hides in cabinets when he wants to do things in secrecy.
[] He is easily distracted if you mention his wife, Cocoa, as he will then spend at least 5 minutes raving about how much he loves her.
[] He's convinced Fortnite is a sandwich.
[] He really should not have been given a medical license. He definitely replaced a recruit's veins with bendy straws once.