
Basic Info














Anubian Dog


Darkness Inkling




Unknown Location


Guard Member of King Inks

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Magenta is a slender and very regal seeming Inkling who traveled from the dark and blazing sandy hills of the Dessert area in Grie. She was offered to be a hand of the King, Inks. It was a personal invitation. Originally she was to turn it away. As she had heard many a rumor of the royal family. Making her weary and unsure of the whole clan. But when word came to her ears of their doings to restore the lands, she rethought her options and set forth to take her place within the kingdom. 

Though she is not needed for protection of the King, it was said he still needed his own personal Council. The king proved just as picky as she and was only to have his own kind at his sides. To which tickled her fancy. Though she will never admit to such, she is rather prideful that he feels only other Inkling are worthy of his Council placements.

It would take Magenta some time to get use to living in a place so vast. Even with a nose as keen as hers, she would often find herself lost in the long and confusing halls. That would be until she would be introduced to the maiden Lexia. Having tired of forever losing one of his members. Inks had assigned her to follow Lexia around until she was able to coordinate herself around the large estate. 

Though very oblivious to the sudden attraction the small fae found herself in with the Anubian, Magenta would fail to see every moment reached out in attempts to woo her. She merely thought that Lexia was just a clutz. And questioned the king's sanity in ever allowing such a woman to be in charge of his schedule...

Naturally as time would have it, Magenta would begin to understand. And would easily return the feelings to the other. Though fearful of the king finding out and tearing them apart, Magenta would always be weary of showing her affections in public. It was unknown to her that the King cared not. But upon observing his own spouses that would constantly drown him in attention, Magenta ease into being slightly affectionate with her love.

 Magentas duties consist of escorting the king on trips outside the castle. Along with the other members of his council. She will be sent on missions to carry out messages between kingdoms and so forth. Anything from important task to merely helping the children of the castle. Sometimes such peaceful times cause her to have a spell boredom. But she'd rather that than another full out blood bath of a war like years before.