


4 years, 11 months ago


(For seeing his entire design in detail, I recommend to visit the sub gallery "ref sheet")

Liliana alongside her chimera form

Species: Human sorceress

Gender: Female

Age: Young adult


  • Lili is very friendly, she likes making new friends. She doesn't judge but can be a bit naive, gives second chance, even third
  • She is optimistic, maybe too much
  • She tends to use spells even for simple things, likes to make things easier. She simply enjoyes being a soerceress but she doesn't misuse spells
  • Lili is an extrovert and loves hanging out with friends
  • She is very loyal to her friends, always ready to help, support and defend them without hesitation, she is even willing to help strangers
  • Because of hers adventurous personality and unhealthy kindness she ends up in troubles and her friends are pulled into it too but she always tries to find a way how to solve it and get things right. She is always here for others and she care about them more then about herself


  • animal transformation

Sorceresses and wizards can turn into animals.

The basic animal form is corvidae birds like the crow, raven, rook, jackdaw, magpie etc - When they turn into this basic form they don't need magical energy for it so they can transform whenever they want and stay like that as long as they  want.

Lili's corvidae bird form is the crow. She is pretty good at animal shapeshifting/transformation and she can turn into various animals and even into a chimera

Liliana in her chimera form

  • Casting spells

Lili is very good at spells but she is not very good at making potions. It always ends bad.

  • Creature knowlege

One  of her greatest interest are magical creatures. She knows about them  more than anybody else.

Her unique ability is understanding magical beast speech. 


Her nicknames are Lili, Lily, Lilien

Lili's hat is magically bottomless. She uses her hat like a bag and carries things in it.

Has a tooth gap