Green Tourmaline



4 years, 10 months ago


This character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.
"Our goal is to determine if Earth meets the requirements to become a new colony. That is our ONLY goal."

- Green Tourmaline, Attempting once more to tell Pink Tourmaline that she is not her friend.

Green Tourmaline

Featured Art by GemPegasus
NICKNAME(S)Green, G, Tourmaline, Sis
HAIRPale Yellow
EYESDark Green
GEMSTONEGreen Tourmaline
AFFILIATION(S)Homeworld (Explorer), Crew of Ship OPA-18-5-7
RELATIVE(S)Unofficial Sibling of Pink Tourmaline
CREWMATESPink Tourmaline, Stilbite, Benitoite, Sodalite
CREATION DATEFebuary 24th, 2019
MUSIC THEME"The Underwater Temple"
VOICE HEADCANONAsami from The Legend of Korra
layout by porcuMoose | special thanks to @artyrambles

Pink Tourmaline is more curious and energetic than the average tourmaline, but she's more than capable of fufilling her assigned role. She works under Pink Diamond, but due to the lack of a colony at the time, she more or less explored the base around her when she could. She adores her diamond just like any other gem, willing to lay down her life for Homeworld and the colony. A loyal gem, as she should be.


Tourmaline has a slightly slimmer version of a traditional quartz soldier body, with thick hands and legs to better help endure what may exist on other planets. She is roughly the same height as a pearl, slightly shorter at full height. She has messy hair that's a light pink in hue and falls down to just beneath her waist. Her gem is located on her right upper arm.

"If there was somekind of organic lifeform that could multiply into more tiny lifeforms, would that be weird or what???"

- Pink Tourmaline, Trying to start a conversation with Green Tourmaline.

Pink overall has a very happy aura around her. She's energetic, curious, and determined to discover the unknown. She can be oblivious at times, but she swears to be a loyal companion to those she calls her friends.


It all started the day she was made. As a gem made on homeworld, she was already born to serve under her most radiant of diamonds, Pink Diamond. A dimond was required to have a surplus of gems from every sector, whether the gems would actually be used or not was up to the diamond. Tourmalines are meant to serach for planets to colonize, but since Pink was yet to be permitted to obtain her own colony, tourmalines were assigned to be a slightly weaker version of quartz soldiers. Pink tourmaline was posted for guard duty at the palanquin, similar to a pearl. If Pink wasn't occupied with admiring her diamond, she'll explore the area she's currently in, her curiousity was still a part of her nature. When the day comes that Pink is finally going to be granted a colony, Yellow and Blue Diamond gather their best gems for the job of investigating Earth, a potential location for Pink. With Pink's closest Tourmaline selected with several other gems, she joins the crew of OPA-18-5-7 to see if this planet is compatible with the colony guidelines. The day of the ships' lauch, Tourmaline takes one last look at the kindergarten she came from. In doing so, she discovers an unknown gem, Jet. With the disfigured arms, it was likely that if Pink were to turn her in that Jet would be shattered. Never enjoying the concept of shattering, but loving the concept of a precious life, Pink snuck Jet onto the ship in hopes of leading her to freedom. The crew is currently unaware of their secret passenger, and Pink intends to keep it that way.


Pink appears to be skilled when it comes to indentifying creatures, as she reads whatever she can about lifeforms in the gem archives. And due to her frequent outings at homebase, she has developed a rather incredible endurance, even when compared to other gems, it's impressive to say the least. She also has a great sense of detail, most likely due to observing everything around her when she had to stay in one place.


  • When fused with [N/A], they form [N/A].
  • When fused with [N/A], they form [N/A].
  • When fused with [N/A], they form [N/A].


  • SHAPESHIFTING: The ability to change one's physical body at will; all Gems thus far are perceived to have this ability.
  • "BUBBLING":  the process where a Gem encases a specific object inside a Bubble via contact or energy projection, and either takes it with them or transfers it to a different location; all Gems thus far are perceived to have this ability.
  • Weapon Summon: The ability to summon a weapon to use for whatever means necessary.


  • Energy Disks: If needed to attack from long distances or cut away an obstacle, a disk about the size of an Earth frisbee can be summoned that is razor sharp, acting like a saw when thrown.
  • Gravity Boots: Similar to a Peridots, their boots allow them to climb walls and various other materials.
  • Language Translator:  Tourmalines have the ability to transate nearly any language into other languages, some Tourmalines having the ability to communicate even to animals.


Green Tourmaline

"I'm not your friend."

- Green Tourmaline, when Pink Tourmaline calls Green her friend despite Green's opinion on the concept.

Despite Green Tourmaline's constant reminders on how concepts such as families and friends are pointless to gemkind, ever since Pink figured out they came from the same Kindergarten, Pink has happily called Green her unoffical sister. They are crewmates on the ship, and Pink finds Green to be an absolutely amazing teammate!


"Oh? What brings you to the repair bay?"

- Stilbite, greeting Pink as she enters the ship's medical facility.

Pink sees Stilbite as her second best friend next to Green. Usually Pink stops by the repair bay to see what Stillbite is up to! The two are somewhat close, with Stilbite showing her how some of the repair machines work from time to time.


"Pink!!! That is STRICTLY against regulation!!!!"

- Sodalite, when Pink tries to practice her nunchucks near the ship controls.

Sodalite and Pink don't always see eye-to-eye, with Pink's recklessness nearly giving Sodalite a heart attack, and Sodalite's uptightness often annoying Pink. The two often avoid each other due to how contrasting their personalities are.


"That doesn't sound like such a good idea..."

- Benitoite, when Pink insists they explore the less visited parts of the ship.

Benitoite and Pink are mainly acquaintances, but that doesn't mean Pink isn't afraid to drag her along on her avdentures! Benitote tries to keep an eye out for Pink, but she's mainly just a giant pushover...


"Why are you.....helping me?"

- Jet, when Pink gets her snuck onto the ship.

Jet and Pink met at the kindergarten on Homeworld, where Pink discovered Jet. Pink sees herself as a sworn protector of Jet, as long as Jet isn't found on the ship, everything will be fine! .....Right?


  • In Pinks previous design, her gem was on the center of her neck instead of on her arm.
  • Pink was first designed back in the year of 2015, on November 30th.
  • Pink was the first of the crew of OPA to be designed.



Gemstone Information

  • Tourmaline stones are known for having the largest variety of colors!
  • Tourmaline is the birthstone for October!
  • The Tourmaline stones can fascinatingly gain an electrical charge when warmed by heat or friction from rubbing, thus inspiring Tourmaline's electric capabilities! (Like the energy discs!)
  • Pink Tourmaline is often associated with positive vibes, as shown from Pink's personality!
  • Pink Tourmaline is also known for helping heal those suffering from heartbreak or abuse, most likely why Pink so easily took pity on Jet!

Pink Tourmaline's gemstone is circular in shape, having the same facet cut as an average quartz soldier.

monetary outlay : None
obtained : Created by GemPegasus (Me)
status : Not for sale/trade
can you draw them? :
Yes, feel free!
gore(blood guts etc)? :
Preferably not
mature(sexual solo etc)? :
Absolutely not
smut(sexual duo etc)? :
Absolutely not x2