Rococo Chess



5 years, 3 months ago




Name Ruriko Chess
Age 13
Sign Gemini
Gender Female
Height 4"7'
Race Human
Role Magical Girl




Ruriko “Rococo” Chess, is the one who to be known as Hell’s Pixie now. But on the record, Rococo is the magical girl once known as Marionette Glitter. One of five Marionette Girls. Or, at the very least, formerly five.

All of the marionette girls had been gifted magical items that were used in reflection of their heart’s intentions. And, for the longest time... All was well in the world, they fought for justice and peace. Reflecting the peace loving nature of their kind hearts!

That was, until... The world began to collapse. An occurrence known as the “Creeping Black”, it released viscous creatures into the realm and as it began... It wasn’t particularly difficult, nor was it pressing. Until more of them appeared, and entire sectors of the city went away. Not gone, fully, encased in the Creeping Black. Ruriko and her friends, realizing that this had become a pressing issue, and defending themselves had become harder and harder to do.

People had begun to disappear now, too... First it was adults, then children at school. Then... Marionette Heart, was lost in battle. It wasn’t pretty, wasn’t nice... Seeing her friend be devoured by a creature of the darkness... Made something in her snap. Ruriko’s weapons, matching her heart’s intention. Had changed...

That fight, had turned the tide of this fight. Make the others scared, made them unhappy... Made them realize just how hot the fire that had surrounded them was. That was the first time, in a long time... Ruriko has cried for days. What followed them next was hopelessness... Despair. As reports from around the world surfaced, as word spread of this vast darkness... People stopped leaving their homes, stopped being people. Becoming husks who lived in fear. By now, Ruriko had no parents to welcome her home. They had been long since taken, having never returned home from work. The others had no reason to know, after all. The rest of them remained, cowering with their families.

Ruriko, however, refused to give up. That, was how she discovered the nexus. A fixed point in the center of the city, now crawling with creatures... There was nothing to be done here now, as the rate of the spread... There would be nothing left of this world. Darkness, as far as the eye could see. Inescapable... There was nothing left in this world. Packing her tiny pink backpack, the one to which she use to carry her school books in. When she use to go to school... Taking a moment, to sit in the room. Her bedroom. Where everything once was sacred and safe... Photos of herself and the others. The best of friends. Formerly. A team.

Shoving a photo into her bag, she felt the ground beneath her feet shake. Creatures had entered her home. Ruriko knew the sound of shattering glass, and the rumble. This was it, wasn’t it? Breathing in deeply, she tugged the backpack on, and grabbed her magical items.

A yo-yo, and a box cutter.

Items that in essence... Seemed so useless. But, now. As the door of her room splintered and shattered. These items matched her intent, and when she swung the yo-yo and it made contact, the creature turned into a spray of viscera and gore. Her intent was clear.

They would all die. Even if it wasn’t today... Throwing herself from the window of her bedroom, she tumbled into a tree. From the tree, to the ground. Then began her mad dash to the fixed point... Everything was a nightmare incarnate, buildings absorbed and bodies half eaten all used as asphalt decor. Those tears again, felt hot behind her eyes... Streaked her cheeks. Everything was being consumed, ripped apart. Parts of the world must’ve been gone by now... There was nothing here for her. Weapons in hand, she fought her way as to the nexus. It’s location was in the base of an old historical building. When she had done her initial research it wasn’t so... Small? The degradation of the nexus, had obviously effected the nexus... For a moment, Ruriko was scared.

Scared of whatever would be on the other side of this portal... As it shrunk however, and the creatures who had been pursuing her grew closer. It was moment of finality. There was no way she could stay here. Before the sound grew too close, she took a running start... And, a leap of faith. Hitting the ground hard, she found herself in another realm entirely. But, snapping back to gaze at the portal. In shock, she watched the small, deformed mirror... Reflecting her world. Shatter, and turn to dust. In an instant, everyone and everything she knew was gone. Deep down, though, Ruriko knew. This wasn’t over...

Not by a long shot.

" They call me Rococo, you should really do the same... "

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