*Lamashtu (Ash)



4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Lamashtu

Nickname: Ash, Ashe, Lama

Gender: Female

Name meaning: Lamashtu is associated with the death of unborns and newborns, a night demon, bringer of disease.

Perso: Ashe can be cold hearted, silent, and picky about those she interacts with. Violent, chaotic, and incredibley brutal to those she dislikes. If someone gets in her way, she'll want to destroy them without a second thought. While she may act cold hearted, she's got a sort of sweet side. But only when it comes to pups and her mates. Everyone else, can burn in Hell. Very protective, and a bit possessive, she can come off as terrifying. But it's only due to her bad past.

Bought for: $10