


Basic Info





Body Type

Lean, Bishi

Name Means


Home World

Faer Tem

Sexual Preference

Homosexual (closet)


Short temper, introvert, good heart, shy, sarcastic


Mahjong, sweets, cleaning, being indoors, historical non-fiction, reading


Loud people, interruptions, dogs, dust, snow


I adopted him from deviant, AS-Adoptables.

*yaoi/shounen-ai story.

Shiro doesn't talk much. He chooses not to bc he doesn't believe anyone can hold an intelligent conversation. He rarely smiles. Shiro doesn't like loud people, but he does enjoy mahjong and sweets. He's blind in his right eye.

Back Story (contains violence)

Shiro's mother remarried a salary man when he was 14. A few months passed and his mother got into a car accident while on her way to the grocery store to pick up a few things. His stepfather blamed Shiro saying if he had gone out to the store like his mother asked, she wouldn't have died. The step father drank heavily and would become another person. Feeling so much rage and grief, he'd abuse the young boy mentally and physically. On many occasions, he would take his anger out on Shiro by burning his back with a cigar and tell him how worthless he was. He'd lock him in the shed outside on cold nights and threaten his life if He ever told anyone. Shiro found the courage to fight back when he was 17, but he was struck with a beer bottle to the face causing a bleed in his right eye. His step father refused to take him to a doctor fearing the consequences. A few nights later, after his step father passed out on the couch, Shiro ran to the closest hospital, but it was too late. Too much damage and time had passed to save his eye. Doctors reported the obvious abuse after a full examination of Shiro's body. Shiro was emancipated and started work after graduation. He never had to see his step father again after the courts sent him to prison for child abuse, reckless endangerment, assault, and attempted murder with a deadly weapon.