Soren Torres



4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Soren Torres
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: S.E Asian + Orboura (Ferret)
Occupation: HIVE Graduate
D.o.B. April 1 20XX
Orientation: Gay
-: content
Element: Fire
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Owner: EUSKE
: -







  • Walks in the forest
  • Card games
  • Sweet foods
  • Swimming
  • Amusement Parks
  • Nosy people
  • Seafood
  • Hot weather



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum. Vivamus nec interdum tortor, eget fermentum diam. Nunc aliquam pulvinar quam vitae ullamcorper. Aliquam eu arcu at justo rutrum accumsan. Nullam eget felis sit amet eros convallis tincidunt dapibus non orci. Duis quis velit venenatis odio malesuada gravida non nec tellus. Nulla eget turpis quis nulla suscipit malesuada.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum. Vivamus nec interdum tortor, eget fermentum diam. Nunc aliquam pulvinar quam vitae ullamcorper. Aliquam eu arcu at justo rutrum accumsan. Nullam eget felis sit amet eros convallis tincidunt dapibus non orci. Duis quis velit venenatis odio malesuada gravida non nec tellus. Nulla eget turpis quis nulla suscipit malesuada.


From first glance he may seem rather loud and obnoxious, sometimes even cruel; but he uses that as a front to avoid true interaction with people. Soren is not afraid to share his opinion on something. He has a fear of being manipulated, and as a result is not very trusting (always believing that people have ulterior motives).

He is a HIVE graduate and is working there in research and security. He greatly prefers being with nature than human interaction. If there is ever a time when he is overwhelmed or angry (and aware), he will try to escape somewhere like a forest to be alone; going for a long walk and processing things, although this does concern some people when he suddenly leaves without warning.

Soren is very prone to anger, he doesn't like feeling that he is not in control of himself but is too hot-headed for his own good. He doesn't mind interacting with people on a basic level, but if they start prying into his personal life/past he will get upset. He is the kind of person to make a judgement on them based on their first impressions, or what he has heard about them; it will be rare for him to change his mind/take a lot of hard work and convincing.

For those he does open up to and trust greatly, he will actively go out of his way to protect and aid them in a time of need, seeing it as his duty to do so. If ever he is unable to isolate himself or spend time alone he will approach his sister Bryn, whom he cares about more than anything, and talk it out with her; they know each other better than anyone else. He does not agree with the actions of Nonacy Luncell at all, due to past reasons he has a personal grudge against their methods and has been gathering information on them in secret, often confiding with Bryn.









Geocelski Knives: Small weighted knives of his own design. They are able to absorb magic energy well, and can be infused with charms or curses. They look to be made out of a resin-like material, they are shaped to be thrown but are primarily for close-range combat.

Playing Cards: Custom-made playing cards made by Virtue, made of a heavier material than paper to inflict more damage when thrown. Like his knives; they can also be enhanced with magic. They function as normal playing cards too.


Precision Aim: He is proficient with throwing knives, and sometimes even uses custom made playing cards in their absence (or if he does not want to inflict too serious of an injury), he doesn't enjoy using weapons like swords or lances, if forced into close combat he will use magic to enhance his weapons.

Dark Charm: Soren has three main magic abilities/spells he can use: dark, summon and gravity. He does not have a lot of mana within himself; only able to use his magic to a smaller extent than most. However, he has mastered the art of combining magic with physical attack - through dark charm he can charm or curse his own weapon using dark magic to inflict more damage, or to curse his enemy. If he overexerts himself, he will become fatigued and may even pass out.


Brynhild Torres
[ sister ]

Soren and Bryn are very close siblings; growing up they were unable to rely on their parents so throughout their childhoods they had to back each-other a lot and, as a result, have an unbreakable bond. As Soren is not the most trusting person, he will often confide with her if he is ever struggling; she is the only one who knows about his research into NL. Bryn, like her brother, also favors sweet foods.


[ partner ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum.


Character Name
[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum.

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