Dianna G. Aganad



4 years, 11 months ago


Dianna G. Aganad

Middle InitialGuzman
  • Ann
  • Dia
  • Binah
BirthdayMay 6
GenderCisgender Female
Height165 cm (5'5")
Hair ColourPink
Eye ColourBlack
Blood TypeB-
QuirkMind Palace
BirthplaceSan Juan Bautista Hospital, Makati
Presently living in
Lawton's Academy Dormitories
  • Robert Gabriel F. Aganad
  • Tatum G. Aganad
Love Interest/sHitoshi Shinsou
Support Course - Information Gathering and Feeding
  • Dance Club
  • Literary Club
  • Welcoming Committee
Affiliation/sLawton's Academy of Heroics

"I know it's silly of me to think like this - memory quirk and all that knowledge on corruption - but I still have hope that heroes aren't as incompetent like the ones at home. Because everyone can be heroes. Even by just helping people cross the street or making them smile, what better form of heroism is there?"
-Dianna to Hitoshi Shinsou during the Lawton's Academy Visitation Arc

Dianna G. Aganad, also known as Ann, Dia or Binah is a student of Lawton's Academy of Heroics and is among the top students in her course, thus allowing her to be part of the student group that was sent to Japan in order for the students of Lawton's Academy of Heroics to observe the lives of Hero Students in U.A.


Dianna is someone that is of average height with a slim build, her straight pink hair is frequently braided in pigtails since she likes the small waves it would leave when she undoes her braids. She has dark eyes that are wide and friendly and frequently, she would have a smile on her face.

Dianna collects lipsticks and every day, she would be testing out a new shade she had bought just to see if it would suit her. Her sense of fashion is rather sweet and cutesy to the point that she would be considered some type of preppy popular girl. Though that description of her is accurate, you would never be able to tell how popular she is because she never puts on airs in her posturing or her gait. You could only see a friendly girl that would eagerly approach new students with a wide smile, ready to welcome them to the school and ready to make new friends.


Dianna had been raised in a family that encouraged her in her optimistic worldview. Her father had great patience towards her in her learning and she was always aided by her father and mother whenever her Quirk presents any sort of difficulties. She is openly affectionate and very friendly and though she is optimistic, she is aware of situations that would make her optimism difficult. This is rooted in her Quirk and her risk of losing her memories with just one slip. 

Dianna's fond of giving an impression of cleanliness and an approachable air as she wants to put everyone at ease with her and her clothes, demeanour and everything about her is to put everyone at ease with her since she wants others to be able to trust her. Despite her extroverted tendencies, Dianna did not sign up for the Hero Course of Lawton's since she wanted nothing more than to just help the heroes behind the scenes. She is also well aware that she's not the most athletic due to the Mind Palace Quirk requiring her every ounce of attention and so she would rather put her energy into something she can do to help heroes everywhere. Even though it seems like she was forced into this choice, Dianna is actually content with her choice since she found her Course to be very enjoyable.

Despite all these, Dianna is actually masking a constant fear that had welled up in her the older she got. She was mentally and emotionally exhausted and sometimes, she just wants to shut down and let the world pass by around her. To just have one minute of silence, but the fear in her forbids that.  She was told that as a child she frequently lost her memories and that had rooted her fear of forgetting everything deep in her. Though this she stubbornly chooses to ignore as she wants to make the most of her situation.


Overall Abilities: 


Mind Palace: Having the Mind Palace Quirk is almost ideal for students and teachers alike as this would permit the user to be capable of memorising every subject they had read up on as well as recalling every single conversation they've hadn't with utter clarity or that they remember what they had seen a great deal vividly. However, like all such advantages, those with the Mind Palace Quirks will have to suffer repercussions for their Quirk.

The disadvantage to the Mind Palace Quirk is that should the user of this particular Quirk cease thinking for even a minute for any reason, they will begin losing years of information and memories. This will include memories before their Quirk had activated. A user of the Mind Palace Quirk is forbidden from having a quiet moment in their mind and must always keep busy with various thoughts and subjects to keep their memories. This is why those with the Mind Palace Quirks oftentimes would be in great need of various ways to keep busy and this is why there's is a guide for them to learn how to keep an active mind even in sleep.


Ultra Archive


Ultra Analysis


Battles & Events

  • Ædificavit Mundum Invasion Arc
    • Dianna & Nina vs. Villains
  • Lawrence Lawton's Funeral


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