


8 years, 11 days ago

Basic Info


King of Many Faces, The Calm Before the Storm, King of Games, The Illusionist, The Lorekeeper


July 19


Immortal, doesn't age. Appears to be around 18.


Androgynous, presents male.


Aromantic pansexualish




Sakina (biological twin, not identical); Bastet (creator, "mother"); Thoth (father figure)


Illusions, Puzzles, Games, Luck, Magic, Prophecy



Detached, though nowhere near the extent that his sister is, and very secretive. He wears a mask of kindness, usually employed until he's gotten what he wanted. Hasim is wise far beyond his apparent years. He rarely gets attached to mortals and tends to enjoy toying with them, also like his sister. His interactions with them range from positive to indifferent with varying effects. Once his loyalty is gained - in itself an incredibly difficult process, as Hasim usually views mortals as lesser - it is unlikely to ever be broken. He shares Sakina's tendency to be impulsive, though his is much more tempered and hidden, only exercised subtly. He can be ruthless and manipulative. He is a medium, an empath, and a clairvoyant. While his gifts allow him to see further than most, he doesn't usually use them to improve the lives of mortals.

No one will ever come before his sister and his creator. Much like Sakina's devotion to Sekhmet, Hasim is similarly close to Thoth, who had no part in his creation. He is quietly protective of Sakina and will not hesitate to lash out in his own way at anyone who crosses her - that is, what's left of them after she's finished. Hasim seems to be more of a follower, tending to bend first to his sister's whims. They are utterly inseparable, opposites but also similar, opposite sides of the same coin. This does not mean that they always see eye to eye. Clashes between the siblings, though infrequent, can be catastrophic. Sakina is not the only one with a temper, Hasim's is simply much more difficult to trigger. Attention from Hasim is not usually as dangerous as attention from Sakina, but beware that the presence of one twin may very well catch the other's eye.

Hasim views himself as beyond concepts such as gender and sexuality. Though he tends toward masculine presentation, he is neither male nor female. He simply is. Sexuality is similar; while he can be attracted to any gender, his lack of attachment to mortals makes any romantic or emotional connection all but impossible.