


5 years, 9 days ago


Name: Brightfang

Age: 49 moons

Gender/Pronouns: AMAB Trans Molly, She/Her

Sexuality: Gay

Rank: LagoonClan Warrior

Appearance: A thick-furred, white trans molly with a twisted back leg and blue eyes.


Brightfang is, to put it bluntly, a Bitch. She's a take-no-shit kind of cat and has a hard time not being mean to other cats. She's spoiled and has expected everything to go her way ever since she was a kit. She has basically lived her life in the lap of luxury and now that she's a much older warrior, the only cat that even has the "common sense" to coddle her is her mate, Birchsmoke. She typically has a soft spot for kittens, but once they're grown up and appear weak to her, she pretends she's never known them. She holds onto grudges like a dog holds onto a toy rope; hard, and not without a fight. The molly is basically a disaster waiting to happen and hates about 80% of the Clan.

Brightfang was born to two older cats who felt like they knew how to run a Clan outside of Applestar's approval. They were, themselves, spoiled cats and wouldn't take no for an answer for anything. So when they had Brightfang, every question she ever asked was answered with a unanimous "yes", even if the leader himself told the kitten she couldn't. The new parents coddled her, as not only was she their only kit, she was also born with a twisted up back leg, which, they thought, might make it hard for her to do regular warrior things. So, in their own mildly-warped way, they helped Brightfang gain confidence  


Birchsmoke - Mate