
5 years, 16 days ago


Neo the Mutt


Male // 18



Species: Mutt
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Affiliations: None
Orientation: Gay
Height: 3'2"
Ability type: Power
Nicknames: N/A


  • Sweets
  • Milk
  • Breaking things
  • Explosions
  • Fighting
  • Video games
  • Cute, comfy clothes


  • Rules
  • Order
  • Fancy clothes
  • Authority
  • Guns
  • Greasy food



Neo (real name is Harley), is a mysterious young mutt. Very little is know about him and he likes it that way. His one and only purpose in life is to disrupt day to day order and annoy authorities. He wants to see the world on fire, so long as good people aren't hurt by it, he doesn't really care what happens.

He's quite flamboyant and feminine, and loves maintaining a 'cute but deadly' aesthetic. You can't fight The Man if you ain't cute.

Personality: Brash, abrasive, curious, easily agitated, doesn’t work well with others, could be percieved as somewhat 'yandere', slightly unhinged and unpredictable, likes to blow things up, considered crazy by the general public, oddly enough he’s a bit shy and quiet when around someone similar to him at first.

Powers and abilities

World Breaker Gauntlets - Neo's main form of fighting are massive, heavy, powerful gauntlets he uses to destroy everything and anything he desires.

Charge - Neo can charge the power in his gauntlet's, pulling back and slowing himself. Once fully charged, he flies forward at high speeds, obliterating anything in his path

Claws - While the gauntlets have claws already, when he clenches his fist, the pink triangle shapes on the 'knuckles' stick out and act as longer, sharper, claw-like weapons.

Gun-lets - Neo can load the two barrels on the side of his gauntlets with one bullet each, which he can then fire with a trigger inside the gauntlets.

Cold Body - Not really a power but might take an enemy by surprise, Neo's body has an oddly low temperature, somewhere below zero unless warmed up by another source. He can use this to shatter hot material like glass or a hot gun barrel. He can vaguely control how cold his body gets but if it drops too low he'll get very weak.

Skills: Enhanced strength, enhanced jump, enhanced durability, enhanced stamina, enhanced reflexes, hand-to-hand combat skills, firearm skills, basic tech knowledge, enhanced targeting


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