


5 years, 10 days ago

Basic Info

Obtained From

Design trade with mastersamus117

Character Worth



Name: Molly Maxon
Hero name: Sister Siren
Race/Species: Mutant
Sex and Gender: Female
Age: 21
Birthday: March 11th
Current Occupation: Stripper, YouTube singer, YouTube superhero (as in she films herself doing hero things in hopes of becoming famous.), other gigs as they become available.
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Pansexual Panromantic possibly poly too
Marital Status: Single
Faceclaim: Rebecca Black

Abilities, Skills, and Powers: Able to make 3 to five copies of herself and mind control people with her singing.

Notable Strengths: Able to hypnotize multiple people at once.
Notable Weaknesses: Only the real Molly is able to control people with her singing. And she's not much of a fighter.

Physical Appearance: Normal, maybe a little bustier comparatively (depends on your own preference of what you consider busty)

Usual Attire: Stripping: Any random costume. Preference for cutesy bunny and Angel. YouTube singing aka everyday stuff: T-shirts that are slightly big on her and tend to hang off her shoulders. Heroing: Scale inspired skirt blue, sequin belt with heart buckle, green tank top with blue sides and three pink hearts on her chest.

Personality Details: Quiet and reserved when working on her music, but the rest of time she's just a fun bombastic personality flirty and always having fun.

Habits: Locking herself away when working on music. Getting in flirt battles (basically flirting with someone till either she or her target blushes.).

Likes: Music, mermaids, swimming, people wearing glasses, cutesy things
Dislikes: Black, fighting, scary things.