Skyla Mindsight



5 years, 15 days ago



Full name: Skyla Mindsight

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Species: Sky Hydca

Title: Princess

Powers: Telepathy

Associated song(s): Pools

Design notes:
Her wings are frail, due to this she cannot fly.
She's very small for her species.
Her ears are large, to represent that she is a telepath.

Parental figure(s): Qest, Kyrin

Brother(s): ???

Friends: Wolvain, ..., ...

Lover(s): ...

Enemies: ..., ...

Positive Traits: content

Neutral Traits: content

Negative Traits: Easily distracted by the littlist of things.

info stuff goes here

A mind reading princess
[WIP] Skyla was born to King and Queen Fearflight during an era of peace for the world. The Queen found that Skyla was consistantly disobidient, and evenutally discovered that she was unable to even fly due to her weak wings, which the Queen notes is similar to her older brother that seemingly isnt around anymore. While Skyla is still young, the King and Queen discover her telepathic abilities, as she tends to respond to other's thoughts as if they were spoken. Skyla though, doesn't know of her own ability, meerly thinking the thoughts are just spoken words.