Lucas Goldwood



5 years, 3 months ago


Lucas Goldwood

A friend to all

  •  Name   Lucas Goldwood 
  •  Age   29 
  •  Height   5'4" 
  •  Pronouns   He/Him 
  •  BirthdayDecember 25 
  •  Occupation   Exotic Dancer 
  •  Species   Purebred, white winged Angel
  •  Personality 
  • Lucas is flamboyant, kind, and always tries his best to be thoughtful. He tends to unintentionally be selfish. He puts up a strong front but he is actually rather fragile, and small things could easily set him off. He loves making new friends and is the type of person who usually makes plans to get to know someone better or because he misses them. He is very much a social butterfly and has a very alluring aura, but despite how he's surrounded by people he often feels very lonely. He can be rather paranoid. As selfish as he can be, he can be selfless to a fault. He also has a bit of a savior complex. 

  •  Appearance 
    Angels are able to gradually alter their appearance overtime, so his appearance is exactly how he wanted himself to look like. His skin tone is a warm ivory. He has soft, wavy, golden brown hair that is a little over grown. His eyes are a deep blue and are typically full of life. He has small beauty marks all over his body, but the most notable ones are on the left side of his chin and under his right eye. He has a rather feminine frame, with wide hips and a slim waist. His body is rather toned from his profession. His feet are typically bruised and battered. He has a deep knife scar between his shoulder blades. When his wings appear they are impossibly white, and they shimmer in certain light like an opal. 
  •  Backstory 

  •      Lucas was born into a very wealthy family, and he has an adopted, human older sister named Jewel Goldwood.

  •     All the wealth he lives off of came from his parent’s success. Not only are his parents very successful in the corporate world, but they were highly respected and successful in the Higherworld as well. They both hold high spiritual positions, helping with Higherworld matters such as trade and economy and occasionally assisting with gods’ matters. They also operate large corporations in Bricolage’s Capital Zone.

  •      His parents both came from a carefully bred family, and they became a rarity known as purebloods. Not only that, they were pure blood white winged angels, and his Mother is in the angel class of Seraphim (despite not being a Seraphim angel) and his father was in the class of Thrones. Because of this, Lucas is a purebred white angel. However when he was younger, he did not realize he even was an angel.
        Since they’re both such important individuals, they are always busy and always traveling, so they were never home. Jewel ended up having to raise Lucas all on her own to the best of her abilities while also finishing her school years

  •     Lucas loves Jewel deeply, but he was rather ungrateful and disrespectful towards her at first. Lucas was just so irritated that she was trying to order him around like a superior and telling him what to do. He also was angry that his parents were never there and tend to take those frustrations out on Jewel. In addition, she was rather strict, and he despised that and tended to snap at her, but she always won, usually after much arguing and possibly a fight. He did sneak out though, a lot actually.

  •       All that anger and frustration only subsided after Lucas realized that she was just trying to protect him, care for him, teach him about the world, and do what his parents weren’t doing, and all of that on top of finishing her own education. Lucas really began to respect her and love her, even grew to appreciate how strict she was and all her efforts. He started to listen to her and even help her around the house, but some rules he just couldn't follow and often snuck out.

  •    Eventually, seeing how burnt out his sister was getting balancing so many things on her own and his lack of connection with her, he began to really resent his parents. He felt abandoned, and he knew Jewel felt the same and more. They never visited unless it was some holiday, and even then there was such a slim chance they would come home. His sister always tried to ease his hatred, but he always went against it, and the hatred went into his adulthood.

  •    He did go to a private school, and this is where he met his ex boyfriend Miles and his close friends Ahmet and Ambrosia. Ahmet and Ambrosia were friends with a man named Loca, and Miles was friends with Gabriel. 

   He was in a long term relationship with Miles that lasted throughout his final school years and a year beyond. 

     Their relationship ended when Lucas was hiding in their bedroom after Miles stabbed him in the back, and Miles was pounding on the door trying to get in. Eventually he broke the door down and saw Lucas threatening his own life with a broken piece of glass. Miles saw this and had an odd feeling of guilt, hesitation and love. he used the knife he stabbed Lucas with, which was still drenched in his blood, and turned it on himself, dying before Lucas’s eyes. Lucas, despite everything Miles had put him through, wept. 


  •  Nardo Kuhn Lover 
    Lucas met Nardo through his friend Ambrosia. They did not quite hit it off at first since they met when Nardo was dating Ambrosia, and Nardo was a bit too soft for Lucas's tastes at the time. They eventually ran into each other years later and caught up, both falling head over heels for each other and the rest is history.
  •  Louis (God of Protection) Guardian 
    Gods are typically assigned angels to watch over, and Lucas was Louis's assignment. Louis did not like Lucas at first, but overtime they've become inseparable and codependent. He is very much a caretaker to Lucas, and they are always together. 
  • Gabriel Daivik Best Friend 
    Him and Lucas used to be in a small gang together. They actually dated at one point but neither of them like to bring it up due to the nature of their old relationship. They are super good friends now and they always try to make time for each other when they find gaps in each others busy schedules. Gabriel runs a non-profit business, and Lucas helps fund it. 
  •  Why do his wings rarely show up? Angels who live on Bricolage are usually aware of the presence of their wings, and have evolved to be able to control their presence. This skill is usually learned from other angels, however, Lucas lived with his human sister, and his parents were never there to help him learn how to control them. Even though the usual problem is that one can't hide them, but Lucas had trouble summoning them. They used to rarely show up until eventually they only appeared when he shows strong emotions. 
  •  Question Under co.
  •  Question Under co.
  •  Question Under co.
  •  Fun Facts 
    • ● He is afraid of being underwater. He can swim just fine, but as soon as his head is submerged he usually will go into a panic.
    • ● He takes the money he earns from his job and put that towards making sure Gabriel is fed and taken care of. 
    • ● He enjoys eating but doesn't like eating food alone, and he can be rather picky depending on his state of mind.
    • ● He is a TERRIBLE cook. His friends can't even trust him to boil water. 
    • ● People typically cannot see Louis, but when they do its usually in the form of a small stuffed animal that Lucas loves to carry around. 
    • ● He has an odd hobby of collecting kink items that he has a whole closet dedicated to.

profile html by Hukiolukio