⛓ | evelynn



4 years, 11 months ago


evelynn | she/her | 22

evelynn is a cold, serious law student being (unwillingly) followed around by the ghost of a teenage arsonist, romeo. she presents herself as a very stone-faced, stoic person most of the time, not often letting her emotions show and most of the time speaking sarcastically or being a bit mean. evelynn has a low tolerance for nonsense and doesn’t take people messing around. she’s generally an overly-cautious, jumpy person and is always ready to defend herself. despite her harshness, she’s really caring to close friends and family (so aithne and nobody else.) she seems like the kind of person to be very confident, but she honestly never really thinks about herself and doesn’t like who she is. she can sound strong despite being very insecure with herself.

evelynn’s very annoyed by having to put up with romeo, and even more annoyed that nothing she’s tried can get rid of the ghost, but honestly she’s come to get used to romeo’s antics and secretly really cares about him. doesn’t stop them from constantly arguing though.