
5 years, 12 days ago



Ven was part of Sheps old crew  the big bad muscle  used to handle those that caused issues. He was very god at his job. And  it was his dedication to Shep that lead him to sacrifice hims self  against the wear wolves in a deal gone south to save Shep. He was more  then willing to die for her. The two having saved each other back  several times. He was sure he was going to die as the Wear wolves over  powered him.  

To his surprises he woke back up after being sure he had just had his throat ripped out.  He  found him self in the medical ward at the Q tec facility. Shep was  right at his side ready to explain what had happened and how they had  had there butts saved by Felix and Anubus  and brought back tot here boss’s medical facility.  The doctors doing all they could to save him. Magic and mundane so ven going to be feeling a bit different.  To  ven all that mattered was Shep had gotten out safe. He’ll handle what  ever he needed to so he can continue to be there for her. Sheps pretty  much the only person he genuinely cares about anymore as she been the  only one to stick by him goring up on the  streets.

 before the incident there wasn’t to much special about Ven other then  his large size and his wings to small to actual allow him to fly. Yet  his size was often enough to intimidate others to not pick fights and  those few that did he was more then able to deal with so far. Prolly why  the wear wolves ganged up on him. Now almost reborn after death Ven can  feel the magic flow in him as well as on his body through the new green  glow of ruins on his fur. He can feel the power in him as he feels  stronger. Yet he also feels an odd hunger.

the magic used on  Ven to keep him alive…or bring him back from the dead how ever one wants  to look at it was not entirely legal. At least not for the casual mage  to attempt as it can be seen as a form of necromancy. Yet such trivial  rules would not stop Q in fullfiling her interests as it was for the  larger good. Bringing Ven back as not only a lolay employee and gaining  Sheps trust he was also reborn immune to most if not all mortal potion,  poisons, and magic. an ideal subject to test brew on with out fear of  loss of life. Something ven was more then ok with as it gave him a  greater purpose in the facility then just an enforcer.  The best part of it  was  the injection of such toxic material actual would heal him if he was  hurt or store it’s energy to intently heal him in future fights.  Or be released to make his own attack inflicts poison damage on his enemies.

 Ven taking up a role as Shep’s body guard like old times and waist  remover personal around the facility and a few of the neighboring shops.  The positive public attention feeling odd for him having been so long  in the shadows of the streets. Yet it’s not all that abd to get used to.