

4 years, 11 months ago


I. Love. She. AND SO DOES BENNIE IM LIVIN Okay, a rising star fashion student who makes all her own clothes and gives Not A Shit about what other people think about her clothing style. Her favorite works are anything in pastels but damn if she doesn't love to throw in jewel tones. She loves to sit by windows at coffee shops and patisseries to watch people and get inspiration (This is how she meets her GF who adores her and calls her Sugar or Sugar Puff). She also frequently designs clothes for her friends who all have wildly different styles because she thinks the best way to broaden her horizons is to listen to what other people like. She's so sweet and I love her and she wants to make haute couture under her name but also have a clothing line of affordable clothing for adults. She's still working to enlarge her perception of masculine forms and styles, but she's kindof on the cusp of Men's Fashion is Boring because people don't tell them they can take risks so she's gonna have some WILD stuff for guys for her senior project. That's all for now, I love her.

I lied.

She is beauty

She is grace

She will throw pincusions

In your face

Now I'm done.