


5 years, 23 days ago

Basic Info




Ageless, has existed for 5 years


Stuffed Animal


Genderless, uses she/her pronouns


Rabbitdoll is the middle child and the most mellow of her siblings. She's a stuffed animal modeled after a rabbit and stands at an alarming 6 feet tall. Because Sheila created her with the intentions of being the "solution" to Dogdoll's shortcomings, she was treated quite differently to prevent similar behaviors of clinginess and selfishness. This lead to feelings of resentment toward her brother, but they did not last as she quickly found that she was the "important" sibling who received all the training and knowledge from their mother. The two of them would have their magic sessions, and when Sheila played with Dogdoll, she would join in too, and the siblings would talk about their lives so far.


When Dogdoll began to act out, Rabbitdoll's training became strained and more infrequent. Because of the suddenly inconsistent schedule caused by Dogdoll's incessant demands for attention and praise, Rabbitdoll found that she had much more free time, which meant she could explore the area around her home. As time went on and Sheila sacrificed more and more training to handle Dogdoll, Rabbitdoll wandered further and further from home, slowly losing interest in her task to become Sheila's successor. This became apparent in her sessions with Sheila, until they stopped happening altogether. Weeks went by with Sheila becoming more distant, asking little of the dolls and often refusing their help with any chores.

Then one morning, stone faced but visibly exhausted, Sheila told her dolls to drink a strange potion they'd never seen before. Rabbitdoll took hers, but Dogdoll refused and tried to drain it. A struggle ensued, and Dogdoll was force fed, the potion circulating through his tiny body quickly and putting him to sleep, his last sight being Sheila's cold, vicious expression.

Rabbitdoll felt the potion take hold and she clung to her brother, wondering what was going on and why she felt so numb and tired. Before she went under, she saw Sheila's expression break into one of grief, and Rabbitdoll realized in that moment that their mother did not hate them after all. As Rabbitdoll's vision went black, she felt Sheila rush over and embrace them one last time, neither of them knowing that some day they would be awake again, but Sheila would be gone.