Lyefae Vixxin



5 years, 2 hours ago


Your name is Lyefae Vixxin.

Lyefae is the dancestor to Akayaa. Unlike most dancestors, Lyefae doesn't adhere to any specific stereotype associated to Akayaa. Instead, Lyefae is sweet, kind, calculated, but this is just to cover up the wicked intentions deep below. She is fierce, and would kill anyone standing in her way of power or manipulate them to do her bidding. She believes in the Sufferer's teachings, but in the wrong kind of way, believing that the lowbloods should have just as much authority as the highbloods.

Trollian Tag: N/A

Strife Specibus: Unknown, possibly Bladekind

Godtier: Witch of Hope

Typing Quirk: N/A

Physical appearance: Lyefae is roughly 5'6", standing a little taller than Akayaa. She wears a black blouse and wears a large necklace of her sign. She also wears a long, bronze skirt and light gray flats. When smiling she has small fangs, unlike Akayaa. Lyefae also wears her very long hair in a high ponytail.