
CREDITS: Co-created (December 2014 - January 2015) by: Panthervogel/Arctozenus (unfortunately she deactivated her deviantart and instagram accounts), TaimaTala and InkScaled :: Currently owned by InkScaled

Most common mistakes when drawing Sheti: misinterpreting spiky crown on his head as fur/feathers, forgetting about drawing him whiskers long and/or short whiskers.

Side note: hard scales/plates on upper side of his muzzle evolved during years: 

formerly they were flat or not-flat with spiky tips 

currently they are not flat with soft tips

Full name: Zhunsheti Xjaenchii

Nicknames: Sheti, Enchii

Gender: MALE

Status: in relationship (with Lumiinorri)

Age: unknown; he doesn't age since he became full-grown adult

Specie: chimanticore - hybrid of chimera and manticore inspired by eastern dragon, saber-toothed smilodon, white (albino) tiger, goat, ram, snake and scorpion


feral form:

height: 4,8 metres + horns ::  lenght (with tail): 24 m (can be longer)

anthro form:

height: approximately 2 metres

Detailed description of his body parts ('cause he's really complex)

Head: mix of tiger and eastern dragon


* tiger like, but extended to dragon-like lenght

* upper-side covered in not flat  plates/scales with soft/roundy - not spiky tips (the most actual shape of them is here:

and here's small comparison how the shape of scales evolved through years:

* typical black tiger nose, 

* 2 sets of whiskers (depending on picture and its background colour(s)  whiskers can be drawn half-transparent (default option), white or black

  a) regular tiger whiskers

  b) pair of very long eastern-dragon-like

* short goat-like beard

* front teeth - white tiger-like including pair of long sharp fangs with dripping blue venom (idea is to mix venomous snake's and saber smilodon's fangs) 

*side teeth - white sharp dragon-like ones

* tongue - long, flexible, and forked (like a dragon, but also thick and beefy (like a tiger) - example: (remember that's still not the full lenght of his tongue )

* 3 pairs of yellow, glowing in dark, eyes with slits

* tiger-like fluffy ears

horns/antlers: two sets:

* on top  of head row of straight spikes forming natural crown

* from back side of head grows out pair of deer-like antlers, with one pair of branches folding to front similarly to ram horns

Neck and trunk: long, serpent/eastern dragon-like with long strands of fur on back and sides and crystal/ice-like, IRIDISCENT (like fish scale), plates/scales;

Front paws:

* colour: black or very dark shade of grey; claws & paw pads are silver

* 5-fingered (with opossable thumb) humanoid-like hand covered in thick skin and dragon plates with long, sharp claws and paw pads

Hind paws: massive - (albino) tiger like paws with stripes, retractable silver claws and classic tiger paw pads

Tail: long, prehensile, serpent/eastern dragon - like;

similarly like trunk with long, serpent with long strands of fur on back and sides and crystal/ice-like, NOT IRIDISCENT, plates/scales; but this time also with black tiger stripes; ending with rows of spikes (composition based on palm leaf  and specific long blade-like tip (dual function: a) blade b) scorpion's sting with venom))

Wings: wingless; thanks to being partly an eastern-dragon, he can fly (levitate) without them

Special abilities: (known for now; list to be updated soon):

venoms - long fangs and blade-like tip of his tail may secrete two kinds of venom:

a)  dark blue ( -  depending on the dosage it may paralyze or kill the victim; 

b) light blue venom -  includes special enzymes allowing on initial decomposition/digestion parts of victim's body (i.a. bones, parts of armor etc.)

fire breath - blue-white

snake like lenght and flexibility - allows him to wrap around his victim and crash it with his coils

more info soon