Willow Treeson



4 years, 11 months ago


Class: Ranger
Race: Wood Elf
Background: Folk Hero
Alignment: Chaotic-Good
Personality traits: "I misuse long words in an attempt to sound smarter."
Ideals: "Tyrants must not be allowed to oppress their people."
Bonds: "My tools are symbols of my past life and I carry them so that I will never forget my roots."
Flaws: "The tyrant who rules my land will stop at nothing to see me killed."


Willow is a simple country girl, she grew up on a farm and took up painting as a trade once she was old enough to leave home. One day she witnessed two soldiers of the tyrant that rules her land trying to take a man's last bronze piece for tax. With a bit of luck and skill developed from living on a farm, she put an end to their harassment. Her fortitude inspired others in the town to stand up to the tyrant and eventually they were able to free themselves from the tyrant's grasp. Unfortunately word got back to the tyrant about her actions and he has sent out an order for her execution due to her destabilizing his power. 

She decided to return to her family's farm after this, hoping that if she stayed quiet for a while that the tyrant would forget about her. Without the protection from the tyrant's soldiers the area soon became infested with undead. Her younger brother and grandma were killed by these undead and her parents fled to the city for more protection. Willow, unable to save her farm, took to the grasslands in order to learn to annihilate undead and to bring back the happy times her family farm once brought to her. 

The tyrant is still looking for her to this day.