Wendi McIntosh



5 years, 11 hours ago


Name: Wendi McIntosh

Age: 2 (designed to emulate a human 18-year-old)

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Android

A low-budget android created by a small team in Hong Kong. They ran out of funding to give her a realistic head, so an old computer monitor was used instead. Like old monitors, Wendi's screen is only used to help humans understand her, but she can function just as fine without it.

The screen changes depending on her mood, but her emotions can be just as vague or dishonest as any human. Generally, the meanings are:

- Neutral: pink with a -.- face

- Thinking/confused: blue with a loading wheel

- Surprised: yellow with a !

- Angry: black with an error pop-up, gets worse the angrier she is

- Embarrassed: pink or red with a >.< face

- Happy: pink with a -v- face

- Love: pink or red with a white heart

Important note: Even though she's a robot, Wendy normally always wears clothes, but she didn't during her early days after she was built. Other than her computer head, she pretty much looks like a human woman, just with a kinda pearly metallic skin tone and seams (the line patterns). But of course I censored,,, certain things... (-v-; ) keeping it semi-PG, thankyou very much!! She generally wears very girly, cutesy outfits.

If she gets really excited or frustrated, the back fans in her screen will turn on and hum loudly.

More info later~