(Jack) Boyce



4 years, 10 months ago


Boyce is an extreme introvert with a need for lots of natural space. Originally a youth of a mining town, he was left alone when the mines poured murderous monsters into the town's midst. The event traumatized him and left him with both survivor's guilt and a fear of being jinxed.

He grew up as a logger, traveling from one work outfit to another but ultimately returning to the woods to recover from that raucous lifestyle. Eventually he decided that he could make a go of it on his own, and disappeared into the woods to stake a claim and build himself a cabin. He met with and fell in love with a dryad, but their tryst was short-lived due to the complications of clashing cultures. She left for a time, returned with a child she couldn't keep, and left him with an infant girl to try to rear on his own.

Boyce, despite all odds, has a few good friends. He turned to them to help him with his child, ultimately adopting her out. He still lives on his own. He got his cabin, after a fashion, but not in the way he'd intended. His dryad partner did something to turn him part-ways dryad himself, and his cabin responds to him like a dryad's tree does, moving and even walking around to suit his whims.