Sam Steele ( rider )



5 years, 3 months ago


Name: Sam Steele
AKA: Sam, Rider, Rider of Trains.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: lesbian (taken)
Class: Rider
Affinity: Earth
Alignment: Lawful Good

recorded history states she was a man but summoned as a heroic spirit Sam was summoned as a woman she will make no comments on why this is just that it’s how it is now

Bond 1:

Height/Weight: 165.10cm  58.967

Source: Historical Fact

Region: North America, Canada

Alignment: Lawful Good

Gender: Female 

Bond 2:

Sam Steele was one of the first people to be appointed to the north west mounted police, she was involved in many conflicts with in Canada and even some outside of Canada such as world war one she is even considered one of the most capable leaders during the South Afrain war.

Bond 3: Charisma Train A
Sam Steele was tasked with working on the Canadian Passific Railroad ( CPR) through the British Columbian Rockies in the Kootenay area after the Provisional Government had made relations with the first nation people of the area  ( the Ktunaxa ) uneasy and violence was threatened. Sam managed to resolve the situation with diplomacy over violence.  

Bond 4: From Sea to Sea the great railway
It’s without saying that the Canada Passitfic Railway was the most important part of building and connecting the nation
Sam was at the forefront of one of the  many stretches of rail even past that she was involved in signing treaties and resolving conflicts all revolved around the railway

Bond 5:
In truth the rider version of Sam Steele is not the truest form of Sam Steele but one version of her, an idealized hero friendly and kind and changed in experiences. She has the same skills and memories and life of Sam Steele but her being a rider servant is almost proof enough of the truth of the matter. Nonetheless she is still fiercely loyal to whomever is her master and holds a wish in her heart to see the nation she helped build flourish.

Extra clear interlude
A memory of a person that can never be lost. A person so precious to her their bond was just as important as any made in life.
Summoned to Oak Island to retrieve a treasure only to fall to protect a treasure even greater “this is my unbroken bond”  

Bond 10 ce: How It Made You Glow. Increase teams buster by 10% Increase owns star gather by 300%
I have laid down many tracks and brought us to many new lands. I was the first step to the last step of a nation's dream. But, as I am now I am not who I was in life. For in life I did not know them. They reminded me of a reason to raise my weapon, they taught me a new reason to raise my weapon. As I had laid down many tracks I also laid down my life for them. As I was the first of the last step for a nation I was the first step of the last for a person.  
Alas we didn’t win that day. But oh in my mind I can see it now.
A beautiful sunset and how it made you glow.

Design: She is normally seen in a blue conductors uniform though sometimes she’ll have on the uniform of that of a mountie her hair is a silver blue long and messy her eyes pink. She also has some nice casual wear  

Personality: outside of work/battle she is very casual and enjoys having fun and doesn't take things far too seriously, but in battle is a whole other story she is calculated in her attacks wanting to get the fights done as quickly as possible with few casualties
Around Siver she is soft and vulnerable. Of all the people in the world She feels the most safe and at ease with her master. She will do anything to make sure Siver is happy. 

Noble phantasm: From Sea to Sea the great railway: CPR (buster)
A simple noble phantasm, a set of railway tracks will form in front of her and then she will summon a train and run over who ever is in her way it has a low chance of stun  
Gain large amount of crit stars ( over charge ) 

Strength: c
Endurance: a
Agility: d
Mana: e
Luck: b
Noble Phantasm: b

Passive skills:
Riding B: Increases own Quick performance by 8%
Territory Creation D: Increase own Art performance by 4%
Locomotive A: Increase own Buster performance by 10%

Active skills:
Charisma Train A: increase parties attack 3 turns apply star gen on buster cards 3 turns
Creator of the Rail: Buster damage increased 1 turn ( up to 55% ) inscrean star gather on buster cards 1 turn
Unbroken Bond: Draws attention of all enemies 1 turn grants damage cut and defense up one turn

Traits: earth, humanoid,female, riding, canadian

other facts

Due to high jinks with some other people and hunger games simulator Sam Steele is also a noted monster fucker...she loves monsters y'all

Is very fucking gay for siver ( her master)