


4 years, 11 months ago



Age: 21

Height: 5'3

Sexuality: Bi-Curious

Body ShapeAverage, Toned/defined arms, Abs and legs, Cup size D

Features: Dimples, Sharp pointed canines, Black lipstick, Pointed nails, Pointed downward sloping ears, Horn center forehead. Plaster across nose(Optional).

Scars: Down right eye, Across the nose and on the left cheek.

Piercings: Eyebrow, Taper in right ear and naval.

Likes: Body mods, Tattoos, Music, Art, Sushi, Funny guys.

Dislikes: People with no manners, Bugs, Being hungry, Cold weather.

Clothing: Tattered denim cutoff jacket with spikes on the shoulders, Maroon choker, Torn crop top and 2 wristbands on the right wrist, Black wristband on the left hand side with spikes, Black one leg skinny jeans with white patterns, Black doc marten type boots with slight heel and a spike in the center of the toes, A raven skull looking bag that sits on her right hip.

About/Personality: Nani is a quirky individual, She is a very people person and is always the life of the party, When she's not falling over(She is very clumsy). Fighting used to be a part of her childhood from continuous bullying at school hence all of the scars but she has since grown strong. She doesn't want her past to define her so she does go out of her way to please people and can sometimes become annoying. Hopeless romantic is what her friends call her, Falling fast for people is a running thing for her so she is prone to getting hurt. Nani does on the other hand have a very vile temper, She can switch with just a single phrase and it never ends well for the poor soul who upset her, Accident or not. Once you get to know her and she lets you in she is literally just a big softy.