SCP-6000 'Gaia'



5 years, 10 days ago


SCP-6000 (Last photograph seen before the escaping the facility).

Item #: SCP-6000

Object class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6000 is currently uncontained and its location is unknown since its last containment breach with the loss of 60 foundation personnel, 34 being scientiest, and the rest security during the breach as they had attempted to subdue the creature . Due to the nature of SCP-6000, the Foundation hasn't gain any orders to contain the SCP. Due to the large risk an loss of resources and personnel. Until a proper containment procedures can be found, focus should be given to the location and surveillance of SCP-6000 and to minimizing civilian exposure to it. Though it has already claimed many lives of civilians lives. The total count ███. Dr.█████████, was tasked with identifying and researching the creature has led many of the foundation personnel to call this being Gaia, as it prefers to be named.

Temporary Containment Procedure Update: No containment procedures has been given out yet by orders of the 05 Council.

Description: SCP-6000 is a large, female canine (2.3m at shoulder) with black and white fur. It has bright red glowing eyes with a mask that resembles one of a hockey goalie. If any time an individual makes eye contact with SCP-6000, the creature will either ignore the individual or immediately attack. Research of the creature is incomplete due to past incidents on individuals. This may indicate that SCP-6000's temperment is entirely at random, but it is unknown whether the SCP chooses it's victims, many of the individuals had shown signs of being old, weak and ill. This may also indicate SCP-6000's wolf like insticts of choosing prey just like in the wild. SCP-6000's tail appears to be rodent like with barbs that lay flat unless she is actively hunting or attacking, in which the tail barbs rise like a porcupine's quills. SCP-6000 barbs can also be launched in lighting like speed in mere seconds, a individual is killed. SCP-6000's mask is made out a strong bone material that can't be taken off forcibly but it has been seen that SCP-6000 can take it off herself when she is in discomfort. Any attempts to take the mask off SCP-6000 is highly prohibited and will result in █████████ SCP-6000 has also been known to be able to speak fluent English, latin, Italian, French, German, and Russian. Though she claims to have never heard of those countries when asked. SCP-6000 is also known to be a very intellegent being, able to solve puzzles within seconds, and seems to know a lot of past events. SCP-6000's age is unknown, which she claims to be, have been and will be. /p>

Addendum 0.1 Discovery

SCP-6000 was recovered in South America, near a former Aztec temple. Due to the area being a big tourist area, many civilians have appeared missing, which has led the foundation in sending personnel to investigate when police officers have also gone missing. Personnel who went to the area have all claimed to smelling a horrible horrid smell from the pyramid. They claim it smelled like something has been decaying and rotting for weeks. When personnel entered the pyramid, they found many bodies of those missing, including children who were partialy eaten. They were attacked by SCP-6000, only 2 out of 10 MTF personnel had managed to escape with their life, they had managed to subdue the creature and transport it back to Site A-██. Agent ███████, one of the surviving MTF of Unit Alpha-1 who were tasked with finding SCP-6000, had died from his injuries 3 days after the capture of the SCP, and unknown subtance had been found in their body.

The text in this section has been [REDACTED]1 by the 05 Council. Due to high risk of rebel personnel locating and using SCP-6000 for their own use. 2.

Excavation site of Aztec Temple where SCP-6000 was found

Incident 1-A

Date: 03/22/1989

Interviewer: Dr.█████████

Interviewee: SCP-6000


Interviewer: Do you remember the agent that was tasked with extracting you from the temple? What happened to him? He was found dead in his bed, a weird green subtance coming from his mouth was found, it didn't match anything of this world. (Shuffling papers around)

SCP-6000: (Visibly aggravated, tail is lashing side to side) The one who would be dead, I remember him indeed, he was brave, he was the one who had managed to shoot that dart into my neck was he not. If it were not for him, I would have continued my days of freedom isntead of being experimented and being asked questions, you humans and your little capability to understand our beings is small, I do not understand why you are trying to learn something that you simply can't comprehend.

Interviewer: What do you mean by that? The one who would be dead? Something we can't comprehend, can you please elaborate. The agent is dead, he died last night to his injuries and the weird substance we had found in the auptosy. What is it?

SCP-6000: You pathetic worm! You think you can demand from me? But I shall entertain you, I mean is he isn't dead, in your physical realm he is. But in my realm, he is merely just a rodent who is trying to find his way out of limbo, they all are, including all those children who were brought to my temple, they were all sacrifices. Many eras before, I was worshipped as a Goddess, I was known as Gaia, Earth Mother for my ability to produce crops for those who worshipped me, but atlast humanity crumbled beneath my claws, I tore their necks, I ripped their arms, I ate their corpses, they are all my servants in Limbo, waiting for the great way. The Great Day3 shall arrive and all shall suffer. The subtance that has claimed the body of your so called agent is merely my gift of remedy, he was an honorable warrior, he had proven his strength, so he shall join me as my warrior in the day of Judgment. Sit tibi anima mea salus non miror

(The chair can be heard screech and fall back, a snarl from SCP-6000 can be heard near the tape)

Interviewer: (Running to the door and banging on it) What the fuck! Stay back you beast! What did you fucking do to me! Get this thing off me! Help me! Oh God oh God please have mercy on me! Oh Go-

(The sounds of screaming can be heard for a few more seconds before a loud crunch, the next 2 minutes are off SCP-6000 eating the corpse of Dr.█████████)


Interviewer's Note: No notes

Addendum #.#: Observation Log

Explanation of the study or studies

Observational Log #.OL.# SUMMARY

Subject: SCP-#

Preface: Conditions before the experiment: how did test subject get here, how did they react before the test, and which preparations were made

Observation Notes: Observed behaviour and effects


1. Footnote #1

2. Footnote #2

3. The Great Day is apperantly when all of humanity will be judge by a higher being, unknown if she will be the judge or not. Appears to speak latin when she judges someone. #3