


4 years, 11 months ago


Nerio “Delta” Trinity

A fish out of water.

  • Name Nerio “Delta” Trinity
  • Age 28
  • Height 6’6” (198.12 cm)
  • Occupation Ex royal guard
  • Sexuality Pansexual
  • Personality

    Nerio is loyal to a fault, determined and disciplined, and very passionate about accomplishing tasks given to him. He takes his training and education seriously and uses everything he knows about his opponents and himself to find the best way around a fight. He is usually very serious, keeping a poker face around strangers, and doesn’t often loosen up unless with the few friends he has.

    Nerio isn’t very charismatic, he usually keeps to himself and lets his actions speak for him. He focused so much on his studies,but he left out the importance of communication. He enjoys being around others, he just has no clue how to behave or continue conversations in social environments. He had truly dedicated every ounce of his being to his kingdom that when he is exiled, he ends up lost and unable to maintain his composure as everything he worked for was taken from him and he was stripped of all honor he had once earned and is now left with nothing.

  • Likes Large bodies of water, seeing his efforts put to good use, having the knowledge needed to help in a situation, learning more about the new world he’s in, the new sights and sounds he’s becoming more accustomed to on land, raw foods, and the one friend he met who saved his life.
  • Dislikes The dry air of the land, deserts, cooked food, anything hot really is just not what he’s body is made for, he lived under water after all! He doesn’t like loud or flashy places, it dulls the senses and makes it difficult to be aware of his surroundings, and being stared at. It is uncommon for his people to be so far from large bodies of water, so he is an unusual sight in many parts, but that doesn’t mean he wants to have all this attention drawn to him.
  • Backstory

    Nerio was a well respected and high ranking guard to his kingdom. He swore his loyalty to his Queen and served her without falter for years. He was trained since he was a child, learning not only physical combat, but magic as well. He had a certain gift for magic, preferring it over hand to hand combat and taking more time to learn and master it compared to others in his class. Because of his dedication and determination to improve, he moved up the class quickly, learning more spells than most could handle at his age.

    It is because of this that he was given his first real test before he hit full maturity. A test of endurance, to see how long he could go before reaching his limit and then, once at his breaking point, if he could pull through to defend against an attack. It was one of the hardest tests the young adults had to go through, it was the placement test after all, the one that determined, after all they had learned, where one’s skills would be best put to use. Everyone testing at the time had been older than Nerio, but none were any less determined to do their best in this final test. Nerio knew he had a lot to prove and so when he went into the test he kept his mind focused on the end goal, to be able to serve his kingdom to his fullest. This kept him going through the long days of standing guard, of watching over his given task and he kept his mind off of the hunger pangs and tired nights by remembering he needed to be there for others when no one else could be. He needed to be the strong one for those who were weak, he needed to be the light in the darkest seas, he needed to keep calm, focused, and most of all keep in mind what he suffered for. He suffered for his people, so they would never have to go through these kinds of trials themselves. He wanted to protect and serve them with everything he had and it was because of his determination to do this that he found the strength to keep going through the grueling days and nights of standing alone, with only the sounds of the ocean water shifting and settling with the change in time. As others began to succumb to the boring task, the intense hunger, or other effects of the test, he, as well as less than a handful of others, rose up to the challenge and met the final day with the strength to fend off the attack sent on them. It must’ve only been a week that they were there, but without getting much rest and no food, the week felt like an eternity. Now it was over though, and they made it through, he made it through! They were awarded their first medal, an armband that they would wear over the marking they were given to show that they had been the top of their class in the end. The time came to celebrate, a well deserved rest and feast for those who made it! As well as an audience with the Queen herself, something that would truly change Nerio’s life from that point on.

    As he met and congratulated the others who passed the test he found himself making friends he would carry with him through thick and thin for years and when the time came to meet with the Queen, he left an impression on her that would lead him on the path to becoming her personal guard. He was honored and touched by her majesties decision to give him such a position by her side. He proved he was more than worthy of it though his years of service to her and the kingdom, being by her side through the hardest of choices she had to make and through the trying times their kingdom was put through. Although she was a kind and caring queen, there were choices she had to make that were hard and seemed to cause a lot of harm. Few understood the weight she carried from it all, few knew that these were not just simple decisions she made without care and it is because of the misunderstandings these people had that a rebellion formed and eventually invaded the castle. While Nerio fought with every ounce of strength he had, he found himself alone in the end, outnumbered and even betrayed by his own friends who had chosen to side with the rebellion for what they believed the queen had done to their land. Nerio was given the option to join them, but he swore an oath to his Queen and believe, despite some of her poor choices or the sacrifices she chose to take over others, that she was doing the best she could for the kingdom. It was a disappointment, but in the end he had to fight those he had trusted the most too and though he knew he wouldn’t stand a chance, his bravery and honor to his vows earned him the respect of his old friends, who spared his life, but banished him from the kingdom as a traitor to the new ruler who would be taking the throne in the Queens place. He was beaten and weak and he soon found himself all alone once more, stuck in the surface world, an unfamiliar land with no purpose now as the kingdom he fought all his life to protect had now abandoned him. It was the first time he ever felt so defeated and lost. He had never hurt more than in that moment, believing death would have been a kindness compared to this. There was no honor in being banished and losing his kingdom and his Queen.

  • Roo Best Friend from the Land

    A feathery bird bard who wanders the lands, playing ska music and generally keeping things pretty chill. Found Nerio when he was weak and succumbing to exhaustion from walking the hot and unknown lands he was now stuck in. Roo helped him out and though Nerio couldn’t fully understand him at the time, he ended up following like a lost puppy and eventually grew to enjoying Roo and the way he lived his life here on the surface. Nerio had no direction anymore, no path to follow or people to protect, so maybe he would start learning some lessons from Roo and start a new kind of life here on the surface with him.

  • Trivia
    • ● The gold markings on his head are a symbol of his status and loyalty to the throne. They were gifted upon him when he was announced to be the Queen’s personal guard. As well he was given the last name “Trinity” in honor of his position as a peacekeeper and someone who was to uphold the unity of the kingdom, it’s people, and it’s future.
    • ● Delta is Nerio’s nickname given to him by Roo when they first met. Nerio couldn’t really speak or understand Roo for a while when they first started wandering together. The one word that Roo seemed to be able to say that Nerio spoke was “Delta”. It was the only word that stuck out amongst the globby fish talk and it seemed that Nerio responded to it when Roo said it, so it became his name. Delta translated to Nerio’s kingdom, his homeland in his language. Although a bit odd to be referred to as his kingdom, it was the easiest way to get his attention and know he was being called upon. Everything else just didn’t make sense, but at least one word could be shared between them until he started to pick up on other words over time.
    • ● The golden accessories are not so much a display of wealth, but more medals of honor. They are only given to soldiers and guards who show great discipline and accomplish incredible deeds for the kingdom! It is often one of the highest honors one could hope to gain after working hard and proving that they were willing to give anything for their home and people. Nerio achieved four of his own victories that earned him the golden bands he wears on his neck and arm. It was a considerable amount for his age, though not the most one has earned in their time as a guard. Still, it was nothing to scoff at and proved just how much Nerio would have given to honor his vows to his queen and to his kingdom.
    • ● The tattoo on his left arm is a marking given to those who complete their training. It symbolizes the type of combat they specialize in and thus helps to group guards together with a team that would be most optimized to take down any potential threats they may face. For example, Nerio specialized in learning more magic than physical attacks, thus he is considered a mage and was given the tattoo of a mage as well as what type of magic he specialized in. If he were to be grouped in a mission, they would make sure there was a balance of magic users and physically capable warriors who could get the task done.
    • ● Nerio bares many scars from his past. Some were from missions he went on for his people, while others were the final markings given to him by those same people he trusted most.
    • ● When Nerio walked onto the surface world, he had only a few items on him, a cloak, often dampened to help keep his body from drying up or overheating, his golden necklaces and armbands, he had earned those and because he was exiled for remaining loyal, it seemed wrong to take away his accomplishments with it all, and the final item was his trident, a shortened weapon of their kingdom made specifically for mages to cast spells with accuracy and power, as well as a last resort defensive weapon if someone got too close.
    • ● While Nerio was a great fighter in the waters, on land he is at a big disadvantage. He doesn’t move as fast on land nor does his magic work as well due to the different conditions of air versus water. He can still put up some amount of a fight, but nowhere near the same level as when he is in water.

profile html by Hukiolukio