I candyfloss I Val ♥



4 years, 11 months ago



"even plants like music"

Name Valentine
Species Candyfloss
Flavor Sugar
Gender Male
Age 10 (30 human years)
Height 4'5
Clan Lambda
Ability Emotion manipulation
Sexual Orientation GAAAAY
Relationship Single
Occupation Gardener, Plant Nursery Owner, Rock Band


  • gardening
  • plants
  • cussing
  • going to the pub
  • singing
  • rock music
  • pine nut green tea
  • spikes/ studs/ piercings
  • plush animals
  • his wings being pet


  • homophobes
  • aggressive people/ drunks

Mouthy . Eccentric . Green Thumb

He is usually very cheerful with a grin on his face. Though at times he can be quite snarky, and get into trouble. He doesn't like confrontation but if put up to it, he'll fight back, and is protective over the ones he loves. Doesn't like to have a huge amount of friends, just real ones that will stick with you when shet goes south. He has quite a bad mouth and tends to cuss a lot with a deep irish accent. Very emotional though, if something is bugging him or manages to make him sad he doesn't mind showing his tears and instead is very open with his emotions. He is never shy unless he is around a guy he likes and even than after being around them so long the shyness goes away. He can be quite perverted sometimes when in the mood, making sex jokes.

Has a sweet sweet love for both Plants and Music. His mother is a delta and though he didn't get her gifts, he still loves to garden the old fashion way. He isn't music biased and will listen to anything, but he especially loves soft rock. And belongs to a band that he gigs with when he isn't at the plant nursery. 

FUN FACT: Has been caught on more than one occasion singing to the plants, sometimes even with a guitar. 


HTML by lowkeywicked