Satana Malum



4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Satana Malum

Age: Looks in his early 20's but his much older

Sex: Male

Occupation: Strip club worker

Personality: Charming, moody, narcissistic, lewd, kind (to certain people), obsessive, slutty

Satana is a charming man most of the time. He's pretty elegant in the way he walks, talks, and acts in general. He can be moody when he doesn't get his way though and while he doesn't have a short fuse he does get irritated very easily. He's really lewd when it comes to clothing and occupation and he'll even flirt with someone regardless if they're a stranger to him or not. When it comes to anyone he deems attractive he gets obsessive and sees them as a valuable object, kidnapping them and taking them to his house. He spoils them, giving them expensive clothes and giving them a lavish life due to the fact he's high maintenance and expects that his 'Things' should be treated as such. To Shawn alone however, he's very caring to him. Satana is still obnoxious, flirting with Shawn and making him uncomfortable. But when it comes to Shawn's health, Satana will make sure Shawn is doing everything from eating healthy and taking care of himself properly to being nice to himself and loving himself. If  anyone were to try to harm Shawn they would be in a world of hurt from Satana.

Abilities/skills: Has basic demon powers such as illusions, invisibility, control over the four basic elements, mind control, and other things like that. He has some other high ranking demon powers as well, such as sealing, paralization, and spiraling dismemberment. His speed and agility is enhanced as well.

Extra: Used to be wholesome boy but due to past events he changed drastically

Claims to have a sister though no one has ever seen her

Acts as a 'bigger threat' when Sira and Dolorne get into a violent fight

Cares a lot about Shawn

Sees Shawn as a child that needs guidance because of Shawn's home life

Is a big slut

Will fucc anything that moves