Bermuda Fen's Comments

Ink! I have 2 floss that might actually get along with her great! I'd love it if my and could be friends with her! Either way, let me know and have a great day!

ahhh im rlly glad to hear that u wanna make links with her!! tho i havent really been into character/candyfloss links in the last month or two so i dont think im up for it, sorry ahhh ;;

Well if you ever change your mind let me know! I hope you have a lovely day!

Hey! Is the profile HTML you're using here F2U or P2U? :0 I really like it!

its p2u! its this one specifically-- highkey i love how it looks too!!

Tysm for the link! I really love the look too tbh! I'm most likely gunna buy it!

Also this bab is beautiful! I have quite a few deltas if you're ever interested in her knowing any of them!

heckk thank u! ur deltas are so pretty honestly, esp fern! tho im not exactly lookin for character relations atm? im p happy w/ what she's got now shdg

Ty! And I understand! No worries!