Johan Eisen



4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Johan Eisen
Age: Physically 32.
Gender: Male.
Hometown: Romanth.
Family: Father (52); unknown 2nd parent. Johan's father has told him he once bed a woman and that's where Johan came from; Johan has never seen evidence of her existence, and has equally never seen his father have any romantic or sexual relationships with anyone. He has no idea where he comes from or who his other parent is; Johan has long since given up on really finding out, and has just let things be over the years.

Hair: Chestnut brown.
Eyes: A light, crisp blue.
Skin: Richly tanned, but on the pale side. Red undertones.
Johan has thick, dark eyebrows that are extremely expressive; they tend to betray his attempts at keeping a straight, unbothered face whenever he's upset or pleased and wanting to hide it. Johan has high cheekbones and thin, slightly narrow eyes; wider than they are tall. His hair drapes around his face, usually ending around his jawline, in soft curls. Johan has occaisonally allowed it to get long, and once it's around shoulder the length the curls become almost untamable, and Johan will often sweep them up into a bun or ponytail just to wrangle them out of his face. Physically, Johan stands around 6'5, towering compared to his father. In addition to being tall, Johan has broad shoulders that dip into a V for his torso; he's muscled, but only just-so, most of his exercise coming from early morning and late night runs around Romanth and a few of the nearby cities he likes to travel to for shows. [ref]

Magic: Johan can learn almost any instrument within a few minutes of picking it up. He can tune flawlessly for his needs and reproduce almost any note by ear alone.

Quirks: Instead of going by Johan, he prefers going by Eisen, and will usually offer it as if it were his first name to those he meets. The only person in his life who calls him Johan is his father, and in spite of his age, Eisen has only ever blushed at this in slight annoyance and emberassment. He hates his name, primarily due to childhood teasing from people he was less than friendly with.

Johan grew up in Romanth, playing in seedy little bars along the water as soon as he found he had a love for music. That love was a precursor to his magic manifesting, and luckily so, as it only enhanced his ability to play just about any instrument he put his fingers on. Johan found he could remember exact locations of strings, keys, and knew intuitively where and how to press on something to get exactly what he needed. His father was disappointed that Johan's abilities weren't more useful, more.. exuberant or interesting and capable of making them more money [Johan's father had always been poor; he has always claimed to be non-magical, and while Johan has never seen his father practice any kind of magic, family friends have often whispered about his father's magical abilities, so Johan knows his father has something].

When Johan was young, he was rebellious; he hated school and hated anyone that went to it. This was primarily due to being teased by other students; Johan wasn't a kid that could sit still, and he would often bail on class to get drunk with a few friends instead of pay attention to his lessons [at this time in his life, primarily due to being fairly poorer than most of the kids around him, Johan was also bullied. He rallied against this with fists and teeth until he drove them away; leaving them to stand at a safe distance and warp his name into a volley of insults]. He was fearless against teachers, and was kicked out of any kind of education in his early teens, being deemed "unteachable" for a complete disregard of the educational institution. This was fine with him; he would busk for extra money [that he would instantly spend on booze, because it was fun and he liked the taste, and then Johan would subsequently fuck someone sober or get into a fight - sometimes both, in that order].

As Johan grew older, his life was fairly simple; busk for money, drink, pass out at home, sometimes get into a few bar fights or fights on his way home, leave a little money for his father now that he was old enough to "start helping around the house". As much as he didn't care for the people around him, sans a select few, Johan cared for his father enough to help out where he could. He didn't know what he wanted to do with his life until his childhood friend, Carmen, asked if Johan wanted to become a duo and work locally, make a name for themselves, and then move on to bigger and better things outside of what Romanth could offer.

He fell in love three years ago, right as he hit magical maturity and his musical ability became experimental as it evened into a unique kind of mastery. While his escapades with others had been many, Yohan truly not afraid of anything that might come from a sexual encounter and always willing to give anything and anyone a try, he had never truly been in love with anyone. Carmen had long silver-blue hair, sang with the voice of an angel, and played harp in a way that Johan just.. couldn't. While he could almost instantaneously play just about anything he touched, having the wicked inspiration Carmen seemed to was something beyond him. He fell for his partner's voice first, then body, then mind. Once Johan was in love, that was all it took; almost all of his money went to trying to build a life with Carmen, even if it was a temporary one in Romanth as they both wanted to get out.

The realization that Carmen was merely using Johan for his music [and never had any true feelings of 'love'] came when Carmen signed on with a proper label and left. This was recent, and Johan has gone on to start drinking less for fun and more to get himself through solo gigs now that he's gone back to busking. He's had a few "wanted" posters up for a duet partner, expressing he can play just about any genre, and wants to get out of Romanth as soon as possible.