


5 years, 1 day ago


Full name: Stella(ステラ)

Age: 16

Date of birth: June 4th, 2002

Height: 5’4

Weight: 94(lbs)

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Likes: Stars, the color black, fluffy things, star maps and ice cream.

Dislikes: Earth’s dirt, rude people, onions and creepy places.

Personality Type: ENFJ

Blood Type: AB

Current residence: Sapporo, Japan

Stella was born upon a shooting star, created by the goddess of the Moon, Tsuki-Yomi, due to the Goddess wanting a child. She was created around 2002, but it took her 14 years to reach Earth, where she was discovered in Sapporo in Japan, she was found by a group of teenagers. She had no idea where she came from, and the only idea of where she came from are her planet balls, which are seemingly alive. Stella is seemingly human, however her skin takes on the texture of smooth rock, yet it’s soft like flesh. She has lived in Sapporo for 2 years. On arrival she had the ability to speak fluent non-regionally specific Japanese. Her voice gives birth to plant life, due to the magic of the Stars.

(NOTE: This information is to re-complete Stella as a character, and to make her seem fresh and cleanse her from the drama that happened years ago. Do not associate this information with the old ones, thank you!)

This character was given to me by her artist! The proof of transaction is here.