
4 years, 11 months ago


Name Thora Mista Valencia
Age 22
Gender female
Height 5ft 8inches
Build Thick and curvy
Race White Human
Nationality British
Weight 210lbs
Hair Colour bleach blonde
Eye Colour Mossy green
Skin Porcline white with a few freckles, tattoos on arms, left leg and bust




  • Thora is studying to become a mythology professor and working as a beauty consultant part time
  • Social smoker and vaper, drinks but wont touch drugs
  • Virgin
  • Can write and sing, plus drive a motorbike
  • Position: Submissive Top Kinks: Watersports, wax play, toy teasing, breast play, petplay & ass/anal play Kinks: nursing, ass to mouth, sexual exhaustion, DILF. Hard Limits:femdom,sissification, beastality, pedophilia, incest. Will not go near : young men, young girls, anthros & poly.

Thora Mista Valencia


Thora is very friendly, so She is often finding themselves in the company of very different people. She has high empathy and expressives emotional capacity. Thora is intuitive than others and has an artistic talent. She revealed music preferences in the earliest stages of life. She is generous, compassionate and extremely faithful and caring. She has an intuitive understanding of the life cycle and thus achieve the best emotional relationship with others.

Thora is known for her wisdom. She is never judgmental and always forgiving. Thora is also known to be tolerant.

Deep in her heart, Thora is an incorrigible romantic. She is very loyal, gentle and unconditionally generous to her partners.Thora is a passionate lovers who needs to feel a real connection with her partners. Short-term relationships and adventures are not peculiar to her. In love and relationship, she is blindly loyal and very caring.

Gentle and caring, Thora can be the best friends that may exist. In fact, she often puts the needs of her friends in front of her needs. Thora is loyal, devoted, compassionate and whenever there is some problem in the family or among friends, she will do her best to resolve it. Deeply intuitive, she can sense if something is wrong, even before it happens. Thora is expressive and she will not hesitate to express her feelings to the people around her. She expects others to be open to her as she is. Communication with loved ones is very important for her.

Intuitive and often dreamy, Thora feels best in a position where their creative skills will come to the fore, even better if it's for charity. Occupations that fit her was Professor of Mythology, though she is only a student while working in a health and beauty store Inspired by the need to make changes in the lives of others, she is willing to help even if that means to go beyond the boundaries. Thora is compassionate, hard-working, dedicated and reliable.

For the most part, Thora don’t give money too much thought. She is usually more focused on their dreams and goals, but she will try to make enough money to achieve her goals. In this area, there can be two sides to Thora- on the one hand, she will spend a lot of money with little thought, while on the other hand she can become quite stingy. Yet, in the end, there will always be enough money for a normal life.

Thora is known as kind, imaginative, compassionate, selfless and extremely sensitive individuals. If you want to attract her, you need to be romantic and to have a good sense of humor. It is also important to be a good listener.

She is compassionate and full of unconditional love. Once you have captured her attention, she will be quick to open up to you. A sex with Thora will be explosive and you will never be bored with her in the bedroom

She enjoys lively discussions about spiritual things and the supernatural. She is intuitive and will quickly figure out if all you are looking for is just sex. She wants to be treated with respect and you will never be able to seduce her fully during the first few dates. If you're honest and if you open up to her, she will immediately feel more connected with you.

Thora is very sensitive by nature, so she is not quick to forgive and forget. If her heart has been wounded in the past, she will have a hard time opening herself back up to the thought of a new romantic relationship

Strengths:Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical Weakness: Fearful, overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality, can be a victim or a martyr



  • sleeping
  • Music
  • romance
  • norse themes and Mythology


  • Know it alls
  • Cruelty of any kind
  • the past coming back
  • being criticized


Thora is british born with Viking/norse hertiarcy if you went back far enough. Her father is a British Biker & Mother a fierce Scandanivan beauty, by the name of Erica that is well travelled settling in the uk in her early 20’s meeting Thora’s father- Charlie before travelling more on the back of his motorcycle living life to their fullest before settling in apartment Charlie’s father owned at 30 when they got married, taking his wife name Valentcia. Erica and Charlie soon found to be expecting their first child just after Erica 32nd birthday. Thora was born the evening of march the 1st in 1997.

They lived in london apartment for 2 years until Erica’s grandparents died and left their only grandchild their money allowing Charlie and Erica to move to a 3 bedroom house in coventry where Charlie had a friend who he was going into business with, start a motorbike repair and customization shop. Thora remembers moving, it was very exciting, not that she really remembers understanding why as she was only just 2.

Thora grew up relatively normal, at a young age she found a love for reading and writing. Though this got her deemed as a bit weird as a child, she found friends and managed to make them easily.She had a pretty basic school life till she was 11. It was here last year of Primary school and in English they were studying myths. She got really interested in the myths and telling her mother about them, her mother remembered her book she got a kid, which was of norse myths. Gifting it to her daughter to read and use as her homework base the following week where she had to write about her favourite myths, Thora developed a love for Thor & Odin.

Her interest only grew, when she got into highschool, studying it in her free time and actually becoming quite knowledgeable about it. She looked into other but norse mythology became her favourite. When it came to her picking her subjects she had to have a meeting with her head of year to discuss her career path, it started with the head of year trying to talk her into social work which her mother had been doing for a few years now or counseling. Thora rejected these suggests instantly. She had known for years what she wanted to do, “I want to be a mythology professor for university students” was her reply and no amount of discussion would talk her out of it. She ended up taking literature, german, history and Religious education. She studied hard and wanted to do well in her subjects and it paid off she can out with B-As in all her subjects.

Thora took her subject for her a-levels at a local college, she felt lucky to find her college did Mythology. So she took that along with latin, Literature & Philosophy and ethics. Thora’s Mythology tutor was surprised by how much Thora already knew, but when it came out she wants to be tutor he understood and gave her a recommendation to a university he went to for his degree. She did her research and found out what she needed to go there, and worked her butt of to get the qualification. Thora social life began to suffer because of her career path. She began to get very lonely.

She got the place but her mother wasn’t very well and she end up differing it for a year, getting a job as a trainee beauty consultant to make money to help her family, her mother's best friend was the one who was in control of who got the position and pulled the string for Thora who had always been creative and had nice make skills already. The University allowed her to defer the offer a year in which time she did the traineeship and looked after her mother, not wanting to move away until her mother health was better, which by the time the next year came around, it had. She accepted the offer from her dream university for mythology. Her social life was gentle improving connecting with old friends but also getting ready to make new ones at uni.