No charas of mine are in here either:

Name: Hachi Onna
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Personality: Laid-Back, Cool (Literally), Sneaky
Bio: She lives in a world of puzzles and mystery, and everything is very strange. She loves this world and can travel through mirrors. She likes to perform tricks and do other amazing things. She also has ice powers. She likes to explore universes and mess with them a little. She was mostly alone, she was born to cause trouble. SI made them just to mess with people. It was disheartening to find out they were only made to just "troll people", but they accepted their fate. Until she watched a universe and noticed someone being picked on for their stuttering and when they got older, were getting picked on because they were "mute".

She never did anything though, she was set up for failure, she was ment to hurt and mess with people. She didn't want to do it to someone being bullied to how they speak. She didn't want to hurt anybody, so she just watched from afar. It was until the boy came home crying that she had the courage to try make things better for once.

She was bullied too, I mean, if you're the person made for just teasing and messing with people- it's kinda hard not to be messed with yourself. She didn't want him to feel this way anymore... She knew that she should help him...

As he looked in the mirror, she stood "behind" it, grabbed his arm and took him in.
"Who are you..? What is this place?"
"You're at um... this place!"
"Wait, hold on... Why can I speak so easily? And my mouth isn't even moving?"
Well I can read your mind! It's a pretty cool power if you ask me!
Heh, yeah... So what is this place called?
I don't really know, maybe it's nothing!
Ha, interesting... This is so weird though, but it feels nice...

"Finally getting to talk to someone... I had just a little bit of a problem with me, but since you can read my mind, I can speak to someone clearly for once. I'm so happy..."
She gives him a big hug
"...Me Too..."

If he can be happy just now after all these years of bullying... I can too!

(Also I got rid of the speech marks in the middle of the dialogue since I didn't wanna bold every sentence)