Conan (remix)



4 years, 10 months ago


  • Conan Jones
  • Male
  • 5'7
  • Tentakitsune
  • -


Suburb living punk rock kid with weird tails and weirder knack for getting people to hang out with him turns business dad working project servaillance at NASA because of mostly the same influence... And a good word from his renowned scientist husband. He has really strong illusion and regenerative magic but rarely attempts to use it, sometimes shit just happens. Influencing people is under the illusion aspect so he tries not to think about that much. Fascinated with space, aliens, monsters, the like and if it wasn't for his husband keeping him in check he'd just run around trying to find out as much as he can about whatever he wants, and probably land in court. Easily exciteable about new things. Has a daughter called jinx that means the world to him and will inherit all his soft rock CDs when he dies, yes it's already in the will, and no he will not stop using the metallic red marker to write her name. He doesn't care it will be digitilized, his lawyers will have to look at it and thats good enough for him. Cool dad, "adopts" any of jinx's friends, big on bowling and barbequeing, once set fire to the lawn chair and his husband won't let him live it down, THAT kinda dad.

"No ones gonna start a revolution, so we best leave it well alone"

Design Notes

  • Button ups are arcade print/flowers
  • Patches/badges l2r: Spaceship, "hello, im; doing my best", nasa badge, cross mark
  • Never matches socks
  • has navy paw pads on hands and feet
  • tiny...tiny brows...