Prena Caldwell



8 years, 3 days ago


Prena Caldwell
Prena Anaïs Naomi Elizabeth Caldwell (Goes by Prena Anaïs Caldwell)
Slender and Lanky
Classy Hipster
Futuristic Earth
London, United Kingdom
IJO Agent; Bounty Hunter; Mechanic
Aromantic Asexual

Prena Caldwell works as agent and bounty hunter for the Intergalactic Justice Organisation (IJO) helping them to capture the universe’s biggest and baddest criminals and bring them to justice. She travels through both the galaxies and alternate dimensions with her partner, Chiyo Tomoyashi-Corrigan. Back on Earth, Prena works for Bevman Repair Garage as one of their top mechanics. Her love of building gadgets and scientific prowess has brought her positive acclaim among the scientific community and she has won awards for her inventions.

Personality-wise, Prena is usually a fairly pleasant person to be around. She is kind, tactical, and brilliant with a heart as big as the Milky Way itself. Known for her polite manners and her desire to keep the peace in all situations, Prena shows a lot more maturity than her hotheaded counterpart, and has a vast intellect that she uses as her own secret weapon. Even with all of the applomb she has received in the science world, she's rather humble about it, and doesn't let the fame of it all go to her head. Don’t be fooled, though; underneath her sweet but shy shell, she is a skilled warrior with a rebellious soul and a slightly competitive side. Even with that, she does have a tendency to be very shy and not as outgoing as she wishes she could be. She also tends to doubt herself and her skills a lot, and sometimes thinks of herself as weak, incompetent, and stupid. When confronted with a person who seems off to her or tries to preach at her, she can cop an attitude and become sharp-tongued in her words. She has a tendency to be a smart ass when it comes to matters of scientific importance or around ignorant people; she will also act like this if Chiyo tries to argue or challenge her. Prena does what she can to keep from getting angry, but when provoked or put into a situation that could result in putting someone’s life on the line, Prena can become enraged to the point of becoming savage and destructive, and only Chiyo can help to calm her down.

When she’s out working as an agent, Prena’s personality becomes much like that of the famed detective, Sherlock Holmes, and is considered the brains of the dual operation. Her methods of solving a crime and finding a suspect are mostly based off of deductive reasoning mixed in with modern CSI tech and a few of her own inventions. If interrogation is necessary, she is usually the one to do it. She has a good sense of how the human mind works, and will gladly put that to her advantage in her questioning methods. She is not like her partner when it comes to using physical/combative measures, but if the situation calls for it, she will use them. The same also goes for if she has to bend and break a few rules to get the case on the move or to find a solution to bringing down a criminal.

  • Music
  • Dancing
  • Inventing New Gadgets
  • Sci-Fi Novels
  • Sweet Treats
  • Science
  • Rabbits
  • Stargazing
  • SkySkimming
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Being the butt of a joke
  • Biology
  • Pseudoscience
  • Cults/Cultists
  • Criminals
  • Doing the Laundry
  • Getting Shots
  • Working on cars and motorcycles
  • DJing at local dance clubs
  • Inventing and building different gadgets and things
  • Computer hacking
  • Building and programming robots
  • Reading
  • Designing Fashion
  • Sewing
  • Knitting
  • Scrapbooking
  • Playing Guitar
  • Smokes when frustrated or lost in thought
  • Has a sweet tooth as big as Mt. Everest
  • Is a huge caffeine addict
  • Somewhat of an insomniac
Pet Peeves
  • Not having her hat on
  • Messy Rooms/Disorganization
  • Being Startled
  • Loud Noises
  • Having her faults made public
  • Being told to stop something (i.e. smoking, working too much, etc.)
  • Being preached at
  • Fire
  • Heights
  • Hypodermic Needles
  • Never being good enough

Prena was born in Greenwich, South London, UK, and lived at Mayfair Orphanage, where she was raised and grew up. During her time there, she was a straight-A student at Sacred Heart Primary School, excelling in science and math, took ballet, clarinet, and piano lessons, and was an active child, willing to play sports on the playground. However, despite these qualities, many people really didn’t see this as beneficial, because they didn’t see her as a “normal kid” due to her vast intelligence and desire to build things instead of play games. What made things even harder for her was that the head and staff of the orphanage ran a secret underground cult-like society, where the children were sometimes used as a part of their rituals. Unfortunately, when she was twelve, she ended up being witness to one of these cruel rituals in the shadows. Saddened and angered, she began to plan out a way to leave the orphanage.

At the age of twelve, Prena left and began living on the streets. She still did what she could to get by and still be able to go to school, mostly through small odd jobs. She would tutor kids in maths and science for a fee, fix cars, repair electrical wiring, and even perform small clarinet concerts on the streets and in the park. This made enough for her to live, but it was still not enough. One day, while she was trying to shelter herself from the rain, she saw a man having trouble with his car. She called out to him, telling him she could fix it for a price. He then commented that if she could fix it, he would double the price. She accepted the offer and immediately got to work. When all was done, he stood back impressed before introducing himself as Roy Bevman, and asking her if she worked for a local shop. She replied no, and he then offered her a job at his shop. During her time working for him, she was able to afford to go to school, and even get a motorcycle, which she restored back to working order, and a studio apartment on Gower Street near the University College of London. This was also through continuing her work doing small jobs and even enrolling at the Intergalactic Justice Organization (IJO), where she began extensive training to become a bounty hunter for them.

Prena doesn’t know much about her biological family aside from the fact that her mother died of pneumonia a year after she was born and her father had disappeared to who knows where. However, she has been able to gather a few bits and pieces of information about them from an old scrapbook that she found in an abandoned townhouse and from a few files from IJO. From what she has gathered, she knows that her mother was a botanist and her father worked for IJO as a detective. She also learned that her father was known to be very unfaithful to his wife behind her back, though, and Prena has assumed that this must’ve been one of his reasons for disappearing. As far as she’s concerned, she never wishes to meet him, because she feels as if she wouldn’t be able to hold back the urge to fatally injure him. To her, Roy Bevman is the only person she would ever consider being the closest thing to a father figure in her life, but even then, she just sees him as her employer and nothing more.


Chiyo Tomoyashi-Normanifold Best friend and partner. Chiyo was bailed out of jail by her when she was only 18. The two have shared an almost sibling-like relationship, but they still hold some disagreements with how to go about business.

Ross Tomoyashi-Corrigan Chiyo’s husband. While Prena and Ross share a rivalry between who can be the better scientist and don’t often see eye to eye, she still regards him as a fairly decent friend and husband to Chiyo.

Craig Tomoyashi-Corrigan Prena’s godson. Craig can be more than a handful and a half for Prena to deal with sometimes, and he often finds ways to bribe her into getting and making things that he wants. Despite this, Prena cares deeply for him and is willing to put her life on the line should anyone try to harm him.

Cho Tomoyashi-Corrigan Prena’s godson. Cho and Prena get along very well and seem to have similar viewpoints on things. She does worry about him and that his home life is troubled, and does what she can to make sure that he feels safe and appreciated.

Cassandra JohansenArch-nemesis. Prena is a bit oblivious to the reasoning behind Cass’s maddening obsession with her and her demise, but she knows a villain when she sees one and will gladly find a way to put her behind bars. Prena also despises the company created by her, called “Hive Living, Inc.” and always tries to one-up her inventions on products that look similar to ones she’s already created.

Roy Bevman Boss and owner of Bevman Repair Garage. To some, he could almost be considered a father figure to Prena in that he had helped rescue her off the streets, but she only sees him as her employer and nothing more. His gruff demeanour hides a truly caring nature towards her, and he makes sure that she is in good spirits and health.

"A sound mind is one that has been taught the ways of science."
  • ● Her Birthday is May 9th and her zodiac sign is Taurus
  • ● Her blood type is AB+
  • ● Her themes:"Altair" by Curtis Schweitzer, "In the Nothing of a Night" by Hammock, and "All the Trees of the Field Will Clap Their Hands" by Sufjan Stevens
  • ● Not only does she play guitar, she can also play contrabass, melodica, and clarinet, and even composes her own electronic music and remixes.

  • ● Prena is a polyglot and can not only speak English, but can also speak French, German, Finnish, Dutch, Portuguese, Latin, a small bit of Romanian and Sanskrit, a few alien languages, and three types of sign language [ ASL (American), BSL (British), and UGSL (Universal/Galactic) ].

  • ● She is known for being an infamous workaholic. Sometimes, she hides herself away in her lab or in her room for days, even weeks, working on new projects and cases. This can lead to hear forgetting to eat and sleep, and Chiyo often has to pull the woman away to get her to rest and take care of herself. The only time she really abandons this attitude is when she goes SkySkimming. To her, SkySkimming is a feeling of freedom but with control under her hands, and she feels as if she can let herself be whomever she feels like

  • ● Prena has a huge sweet tooth and can sometimes be seen snacking on her favorite treats and candies. She also leads a highly active lifestyle and does exercise to help keep her strength and spirits up. She participates in tai chi, yoga, weight training, practicing her martial arts, soccer, aerobics, and likes to sometimes do morning jogs up and down the Thames near her home. Because of her highly active lifestyle, she rarely ever gains much weight, but she has had to have a couple of cavities filled.
  • ● When she was younger, Prena spoke with a lisp and used to go to speech therapy classes after school to try and fix it. She has since grown out of it as she has gotten older, but every now and then it will come back, particularly when she gets frustrated or excited.
  • ● Prena owns a 1938 Brough-Superior SS100 motorcycle that she found in a junkyard and fixed as well as modified. Some of these modifications include a radio with bluetooth that connects to her iPod to listen to music, working police sirens and lights, a high-speed engine that goes faster than the average motorcycle of its time, a retractable sidecar, autopilot and autosteering, and a bulletproof coating to name a few.
  • ● Prena is an excellent cook and is usually the one to help make meals, although Chiyo has recently gotten better at preparing food, so the two split the duties between each other.
  • ● Prena is ambidextrous
  • ● She prefers to smoke Benson and Hedges Silver when she needs a cigarette and will refuse any other brands offered to her. If she is left without one for a certain length of time, she can become cranky and easily irritated, but these occasions are rare
  • ● Her favorite music genres are house, jazz, indie, and acoustic, but she'll listen to rock every now and then when she and Chiyo are out riding

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