


4 years, 11 months ago


Name     Miruko

Gender     male

Species     Kemono-ma

Race         Wolf-Cat hybrid

Height     5'4"

Weight      smol

Sexuality      ??

Age       15

Miruko is a genuinely sweet and kind person. His personality makes him quite popular at school. But even though he's nice and kind, he tends to lean towards people who are the opposite. He often fails to see the bad in others and will chase after people who will hurt him. Thankfully, he has many friends who can stop him from making stupid decisions. He's also pretty rich, which plays into his popularity as well.

Miruko always smells like tea and/or fruit. It makes him very approachable. This is because of Miruko's massive sweet tooth. He's a little spoiled and his family buys him all the candy and deserts he wants. If it were up to him, he'd only eat sweets and die of diabetes at 20yrs, but his friends care too much to let him do that. Q especially will scold him for his unhealthy eating habits and often packs his lunch for him.

Miruko is quite childish, if it was not made clear before lol. Another thing he does is he will skip school all together and play hooky whenever he just doesn't feel like coming. He hates school and doesn't care about being rich or getting a degree, he just wants to have fun and hang out with friends.

Most of Miruko's money is spent on clothes. He has a genetic disorder that makes it harder for him to regulate body temp, so Miruko is usually cold. In spite of this, Miruko tries to dress his best. He takes a lot of pictures for social media. Also, when Miruko feels like it, he'll wear a dress. most Kemono-ma don't care too much about genders and clothes anyway.

As previously stated, Miruko tends to chase people with bad personalities He also likes people with more money than him, and  Blevine is both of those. Miruko is one of his fans and fails to see how much of an Ahole he is, despite it being so obvious. Blevine does not treat Miruko as badly as most, though, because he is close to Q and also close to his level. 

Miruko has to pull down his scarf to talk. If he gets too excited, he forgets and just gets all muffled

Miruko has a very soft and kind of high pitched voice. When he's happy or excited he'll get really squeaky. He also makes growly sounds sometimes