
4 years, 11 months ago


"Beware, beware, the daughter of the sea"


Miish Ragothurac

Male . Dragonborn (white) . 23

2.01 M
About 115 KG


Created: 13-6-2019


Miish is a very social, outgoing guy. He enjoys drinking with people and hearing their stories as well as telling his own. He's generally positive and happy to help others. He's a capable shipwright and makes his livelyhood with fixing and maintainting ships in fishing towns or harbors. Every now and then he'll go with a ship and settle in a new town as a way of "changing things up". He likes to try new things and explore new places. He never strays far from the sea though, it "calls him" as he puts it.

Though generally outgoing and pretty loud he also knows when to tone it down and be serious. He wields his battleaxe quite well and won't back down in a battle. It is said that when you get him truely angry a stong icy wind will pick up.

His story

Miish was exposed to ships at a young age when his parents sailed along on a large ship to new land for them to settle in. This journey made a great impression on him and a lifelong fascination for the ocean and sailing was sparked in him. His parents taught him to fight and use an axe in battle, as is tradition in his clan. As soon as he was old enough he left his home to work in the harbor. He learned to sail and fix ships. He joined crews on trading voyages and traveled much, the sea was his home.

One fateful day, while on a voyage that took the crew through icy waters, the boat was shook on a silent night. The ocean was smooth as a mirror yet the ship disturbed in the water. Nobody really saw the thing, just ominous lights shooting under them in the water. The reflection of the stars coming to life and it crashed into the ship with such a force that she started sinking. Lifeboats were dragged under the surface and those who didn't disappear with the ship into the depths then didn't survive long in the freezing waters. Except Miish: his draconic blood kept him alive, not bothered by the cold, as he never was, except that day it saved his life. And as the ocean turned silent again he was left there as the only survivor.
