Josef Winter



4 years, 11 months ago


Josef is one of my main OCs in the  "Monster Hunters Here" setting.

Josef is a chick mulnth (this is the name of his species)

202 cm tall, pretty slim and slight built. Has glowing eyes and ALWAYS wears a mask. Also, if he's standing in the dark you can see some strange shine going through his mask. He never tells anybody about it and does his best to hide it because Josef feels bad about his face.

 He's an intelligent and wise guy. Mostly very calm and careful. It's hard to piss him off, but if you do - he'll still do his best not to show it, but if you make him REALLY angry - you'd better run... He seems cold with strangers and does his best to keep others think of his as if he was a reeeeeally calm and strict guy. But his best friends (especially Gil) know that deep inside Josef is very tender, kind and funny. In fact he's really a nice person - loves animals, children and wishes to have a family... Always up to help his friends|. But still has some bad and dark secrets he'll never tell anybody that he loves - because he's afraid to lost people he loves if they know these bad things about him...

Being a Monster Hunter, Josef doesn't really take part in any fights. He does all paper work, makes plans and looks after his friends' weapons, making sure they're all safe and ready for a fight. He looks after his friends training, gives them advices and other staff like that. All in all - he's the brain of the squad. And he likes it being GIl's "right hand".

Though Josef spends a lot of time on his work (he’s very responsible and thinks that it’s necessary to do as much work as it’s possible without any pauses), he still has some hobbies that he does in his free time: for example Josef’s fond of making clothes. He likes to be fashionable and beautiful so it’s important for him to have nice clothes and making them by himself is the best way to be original and beautiful. By the way, Gil’s hoody was made by Josef too|.
Another Josef’s hobby is art. When he was young his relatives taught him to paint so he draws sometimes even now and one of his friends helps Josef to end some works so they usually draw together, though it doesn’t happen a lot (Josef doesn’t have so much time). Another hobby that Josef was taught when he was a child is a violin. Right now Josef doesn’t play it and nearly forgot how to do it, but still he wishes that one day, when he’ll have more free time, he’ll try to play music again.

Josef has a lot of work to do and has a little time to rest so once mulnth decided to use time travelling magic to go back in time. Every evening Josef takes a special amulet and, using it, he goes back to morning. That’s why he spends every day twice. None of his friends know it except Trevis, and Josef doesn’t want to tell this secret to anybody else.

Because of his character, Josef is pretty silent and doesn't like to be in big companies with a lot of people. It's hard for him to be sociable and to be nice with everyone around so the only people that he feels comfortable with are his friend and, of couse, Gil and his daughter. Yes, Josef likes to spend time together with Gil's daughter and he knows her for pretty long time so they became friends too. and sometimes Bulya (Bulya is her name) even calls Josef «Mom», because he really takes care of her, tells her a lot of interesting stories and, of course, takes her to scool and back home..
Gil's glad that Josef helps him with that because Gil's not good enough at talking to children and usually just doesn't know what to do with Bulya.