


7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Strange, Teasing/Playful, Easily Amused, Can be a liar, Wild and unpredictable with his animal-like habits and hobbies




7'0 when standing on two feet, around 5'7 when crouched/ walking (depending on his movements/stand pose this can change a bit)


460 pounds


Digging holes, Running around in wide spaces, reading , Meditating on the roof, among other things.


A character i made for the group SaigonUniversity . He has always been a fun loving and easily amused guy with a love for history, horror and folklore, even after going through an unfair trial and being sent to prison (known as the Chambers in their home planet) he managed to maintain this attitude, if not a bit changed after his rough experiences in the chambers, now he has a darker view of his world, he is convinced he wasnt the only one this happened to , since he lost some of his friends in the chambers after an escape attempt, he got to know these people and their stories, he got to see first hand the suffering of the innocent, this made him fear very little , since in his mind, he has nothing to lose or gain from death or pain that may come to him now. He has no family anymore, he has no friends anymore, so he often laughs at situations any other would be fearing or crying in. He is not dangerous, but he is also someone you dont want to mess with.

---For more info , read below---

- He tends to be in a gorilla like pose, or sitting on the floor if he is not to move for long. They have a hard time keeping their balance when on two legs.
- His eyes are like smooth shiny gemstones (coloring wise)
- The back feelers/tentacle like things can move
- The marks on his arms and legs are from being shackled in the chambers

- Brave people/ people that have the guts to stand up for themselves
- Scaring people with lies/stories
- The dark
- Doggy treats/cookies/biscuits
- Tall/ breezy places /the roof 
- Vast and spacious places, especially if he can run wild (like fields)
- Stories/folklore/books
- His favorite class is History
- When people actually take the time to know his story (instead of pointing fingers and saying hes a prisoner)
- Cowards/Wimpy people 
- Being yelled/screamed at
- Very bright lights
- Being judged by his past or looks
- That camera bot that follows him around 24/7 (<- probably the one thing he hates most out of anything)
- Tight/small places
- Accidentally breaking things or bumping into things ;w;
- People that give him shit for breaking/bumping into things ||D
- Being electrocuted by the camera that follows him (it does this only when it sees he's going to either hurt someone or do something "illegal"...sometimes it is known to do it for fun too)
- Anything that traps him (chains/shackles/cages etc)


MORE INFO if interested:

Species Bio: 
A fairly beast like race, they tend to be pretty big in size. The planet they live in is vast and empty on the exterior, inhabitable even, for this reason they live underground, in extremely large caves and tunnels, they make there homes from boulders and stone, rivers and water run within the world, and its pretty habitable if not survivable in the underground. These aliens have very strong legs and body build do to working with stone so much, they have amazing hearing because they have 4 ears, this makes them able to hear any wrongly placed stone crack and makes them react better. They have incredible eye sight in the darkness, but they are easily blinded by bright lights. Their eyelids are very much like a humans, but their eyeball are of similar texture and endurance to a wet bouncy ball, this is so dirt and small stones dont hurt their eyes (this means you can touch his eye and it wouldnt bother him, but if you poke it/push it inside it obviously will). They use their large hands, feet and teeth to dig around for ore which they are able to eat, their mouths can never fully close so they will always have their teeth out as if barring their teeth, they can smile or frown, but not close their mouths completely. They have a skin within their mouths (in the cheeks area) that allows them to open their mouths widely, similar to snakes. Their skin is smooth but strong, it has layers of skin that need alot of pressure to puncture. They have whip like feelers on their backs that allow them to avoid ambush from behind, they use them to get a better feel of their surroundings as well as to better their reflexes in a fight. 
They have evolved greatly from their past animal like behavior, they have become a society with laws, hierarchy and economy. They still however, lack complete control of their minds and instincts, they are able to switch between animalistic instinct and logical thinking at own will, most tend to switch to their animal instinct when they are either in a tough situation or when they do not want to deal with painful or hard memories or situations, making them unpredictable sometimes. In the planet they live in, the more beast like of their kind are hunted and locked away in stone chambers, to avoid their savage nature from making others wanting to become like that, and to avoid any massacres. 
Character Bio: 
Ofcorse there is no absolute perfect society and Braz'kin is proof of this. Unjustly put in prison for a crime he did not commit, he has been locked away for five years (the rest of the years are spent in the uni), with the little care received and the anger he has build up within , he has become rather angry towards his own kind, his kind has shunned him as a savage unjustly , including his once beloved family. His current goal is to get his revenge for the person who put him in prison in the first place, and he works on that every day one way or the other (tho it is hard when he is being watched 24/7 by the camera that follows him). The prison noticed his good behavior and decided he would be able to go out of the chambers and into the world as a non-savage, but he would be followed and watched for the next years of his sentence to make sure he doesn't do anything bad (similar to house arrest). They also talked to the Saigon University to see if they would accept him in, so they could see the process he has done since the five years in prison, they'd love to actually prove he CAN be let out before time do to good behavior (despite Braz'kins believes, he thinks the prison wants him to go insane) and so here he is, lets see if he manages to stay in line enough for him to finally be free. And hopefully become less vengeful on his way to said freedom. 
- He was wrongly placed in his planets prison , framed by someone who needed to be free, he was just the unlucky pick to be the replacement. Thus, he is not actually dangerous despite what everyone believes. He does however take what other people think of him to his advantage, making others fear him on purpose sometimes.
- He is Bisexual but leans more towards men than he does towards women.
- Braz'kin has seen and gone through alot of shit in his lifetime, this would make some people become angry and cold, but Braz'kin has dealt with it in his own way, he laughs at the face of pain and death, even when he truly is scared of it, he will try to laugh it off as a big fat joke. One might say he's got a few screws loose this way.
- He doesnt see as well as other students do in the sun light, but he manages, though he CANNOT READ FOR THE LIFE OF HIM Without his glasses (which are more like shades, to make his eyes believe they are in the dark and thus see better)
- He will NEVER stand on his 2 feet unless it is necessary to do so, this is because his race is commonly in a gorilla like pose , so when they do stand on two legs, they become pretty unbalanced.
- He has a really dark humor, this doesn't make him evil, just rather hard to understand.
- As stated, his habits can be unpredictable, sitting alone on the roof just staring into space, siting in the pool on a hot day *he cant swim in it he just sits there*, having the sudden need to run away to god knows where and why, things like that xD this is actually common for his species since they have a instinct they sometimes prefer over logical thinking. This instinct change can also be used for them to blank their minds from things they don't want to think about, and Braz'kin has a lot of things he doesn't want to dwell in.
- The camera that follows him has a speaker, so it is able to talk to him, he does not enjoy this, he hates everything about that camera thing. It follows him, EVERYWHERE, and i do, mean, EVERYYYWHEEERE O~e