
5 years, 4 days ago


Age 21
Height 5'2
Species Human (Devil's Fruit Capable)
Gender Male
Orientation Panromantic
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Prince turned Pirate
Voice Claim TBA
Theme TBA
Design Notes

  • Tiger ears and tail (White Amur)
  • Eyepatch on his Left eye is always necessary
  • Usually carrying his black messenger bag, it's full of maps and snacks
  • He has retractable nails/claws
  • Four fangs among his teeth, two on top, two on bottom

An adventurer at heart, he will do anything for a taste of excitement. Always with a bundle of maps on hand or in bag at any given time, he'll be ready at a moments notice to go on a voyage or trek through new wilderness. Although he has no sense of direction when doing so, losing his way easily even with a map or compass, making it necessary that someone accompany him on his many adventures, lest he become permanently lost.

He becomes flustered and falls easily, having a crush on the majority of his crew to some (very big) capacity, making it hard to captain them when he's too busy trying not to stutter. He has a kind heart, and despite the stigma pirates receive, he is nothing like the legends or stereotypes, helping anyone in need he may stumble upon and doing good deeds because he simply likes to, with no need for any kind of reward in return.


  • He was completely human before consuming a devil's fruit, which gave him tiger capabilities. It also took his ability to swim, so being a pirate of the high seas and the dangerous legendary Grand Line can be difficult at times, but he has never been one to shy away from danger or a challenge, much less both.
  • TBA

  • Newly discovered maps
  • People rubbing behind his ears
  • Climbing the crow's nest only to end up stuck
  • Cuddling and physical affection

  • Sword fights
  • Deep water
  • People touching his eye patch to any capacity
  • Getting lost