Cashah Rowmal



5 years, 2 days ago

Basic Info



Blood Colour


Lunar Sway





Cashah Rowmal

True Scorpio
Screen Name
dauntlessDignitary [DD]
Strife Specibi
  • bladeKind
  • shieldKind
Typing style
Puts a rapier (-8—) as prefix to her sentences and i is capitalized into I. Sentence Case. Punctuation at the end of a sentence is replaced with ! until mid-session, but it does pop up again for emphasis or under emotional circumstances.
Fetch Modus
Display Case Modus
Godtier Title
Knight of Light
Lunar Sway
Land of Blood and Moonlight
Olive Bats
-8— There's a beautIful vIew from the top of the mountaIn! Every mornIng I walk towards the edge and throw lIttle thIngs off!
― [DD]

CASHAH ROWMAL, also known by her Trollian handle dauntlessDignitary, is the second troll to be introduced in the session.


Typically keeps her hair in a rowdy bun with a loose long segment at the front which frames her face alongside her small curtain bangs. Sports cerulean eye makeup and lips to highlight her blood caste which contrast with her visible fangs. Her horns are tall and resemble a rapier or scimitar with their curve and smaller off-shoot at the base.


Holds respect in high regard, will follow orders from people she believes are leaders and/or in higher position than her. Cares deeply for her friends and is loyal to a fault, where she will struggle to choose between them and doing the right thing at times. Highly competent in a variety of skills, finds happiness in taking on various jobs and helping others out where she can. Likes to see herself as an exemplary person and hopes to be seen as a rolemodel by her peers. Acts as a moral compass and tries to be the reason of voice, but does not hold strong opinions herself which leads her to act as a yesman. Does not enjoy lying and will always seek to act upon the truth, from bringing it out and spreading the word with others.


Collects swords as a pastime. While she is not outwardly superstitious, she believes it could not hurt to hold some lucky artifacts to ward off any bad juju. Has a wall full of them, lined up as if in a display showcase. This secret interest in the supernatural has led her to believe and fear the creatures of the day, namely the day-dwelling Rainbow Drinkers.

On one fateful day, she met with an odd purpleblood who did not seem to be wearing any facepaint. Confused by this outlier in society, she tried to chat up with her in the hopes of informing her how the world works while also gaining a highblood friend. Many sweeps later they have grown into a strong duo.


As a ceruleanblood, she possesses the capability for mind control abilities, allowing her to take control of susceptible characters - however she has never attempted them and does not wish to. Moreover, her blood caste gives her great resistance to oncoming psionics. Cashah has also honed on her physical capabilities akin to the indigobloods one caste above her.


  • Psionic Resistance
  • Sword Proficiency
  • Physical Strength

Unique Abilities

  • Truth Inducement


Furlas Bawsen

A relation initiated by Cashah herself, out of a subconscious desire to be useful. Furlas was raised without any idea of how Alternia worked and risked being shunned or worse, culled. Until Cashah found her. The details are unknown but Cashah approached and quickly inserted herself into the purpleblood's life. Gradually with time she taught Furlas about the traditions and customs of the world, from the purpleblood's facepaints which Furlas eventually picked up on. They share clothes and accessories with each other, with the most prominent ones being socks. Cashah loved teaching and helping her become a more developed indivdual - blind to the dependance which she was also building for herself that would expire one day. However, with time both's feelings would develop in different ways. While they are each other's closest friends, and moirails, ulterior feelings may be at play. Cashah subconsciously starts leaning redder which leads to different expectations from both and friction. This comes to a head during their session wherein Cashah tries her best to keep Furlas in check but fails, ultimately proving that one party needed the other more than the other.

Haishi Ransen

Cashah does not have a strong bond with anyone else in the session, but does keep tabs on Haishi the most as there are black feelings between her and her moirail. Cash acts as an auspiticist between Haishi and Furlas.


  • Loves Troll Bjork, her favourite song is Hyperballad from the album "Post".
  • Voted 'Most Likely to Have Perfect Attendance'.
  • Would love to get into hairdressing, in another planet and in another life.
  • Created in 2011-2013, got a visual update in July 2023.