


4 years, 10 months ago



Eveline Hilltop

  • Gender: Female

  • Age: Mid-Twenties

  • Species: Human

  • Job: Journalist / Vlogger / Blogger

  • Home: The Isles

code by [snail-legs]

  • Contents

    1. Summary
    2. About
    3. Personality
    4. History
    5. Trivia
    6. Appearance
    7. Relationships
  • Summary

    An upbeat journalist who documents oddities and anomalies of the world. She doesn't believe in absolute good or evil and is very dedicated to educate people about the paranormalities around.

  • About

    Eveline is a stellar example of Intrepid Reporter TV Trope.
    She's not an occult investigator even though it's the easiest way explain people what she does. She investigates strange anomalies and paranormalities, yes, but she's there more to document and prove their existence. Maybe even educate people how deal with such oddities rather than get rid off them. She introduces herself as paranormal journalist.

  • Personality

    Evie is upbeat and curious person who ocassionally goes on ridiculous measures to have her way. Being chatty and straight forward definitely helps her career as not-quite-but-almost- paranormal investigator. Everything about her is fast; she talks fast, takes action right away and get frustrated if people are procrastinating. Being as she is she can be exhausting company to some and downright obnoxious to some.

    Eveline is good listener and a warm friend. She loves shamelessly and let her people know it. Her trust is easy to earn and as easy to lose. Overall she feels everything strongly and genuinely, as she believes emotions are human and worth all the good and bad that come with them.

    She's always been very interested in stories, folklore, urban legends and adventures but instead of just reading or hearing about them she wants to experience everything.
    She's well organized and thoughtful and she has habit of write down or record everything so her adventures and studies are available for everyone in some form - usually in a blog or a vlog.

  • History

    Growing up in the hunted house under the care of father with peculiar job Eveline just sort of assumed that how life is. Elbow deep in the veil making messy doodles out of some monsters under the bed. She never minded that though finding it more fachinating than scary. She wanted to understand and know rather than get rid of everything strange. It didn't make her exactly a popular kid but she was easy enough to get along with and enjoyed the company of her peer as much any kid.

    She wanted to pursue similar career than her father but maybe slightly less like a gremlin and more like a people person so she set of to be journalist. A Paranormal journalist interviewing and investigating not only the people experiencing thse things but these things themselves, too! She believes every creature deserves a voice, and she would gladly help to build a bridge between natural and supernatural world.

  • Appearance

    • Her hair reaches little over the shoulder. It’s usually tied in the updo.
    • Her usual outfit includes a flannel and jeans, maybe a denim jacket, but she also likes any androgynous fashion
    • Her eyes are brown
    • She has little bit freckles on her cheekbones
    • She sometimes wears glasses, though she only needs them for reading
  • Trivia

    • Smokes but only when she's in the middle of writing something big.
    • Vegetarian
    • Gets lost embarrassingly easily
    • Fluent in Latin
    • Her name is actually Eveline Pedreira. Hilltop is her pen name, but she uses it everywhere.
    • She doesn't use her family name while working because of its legacy. People would have a certain expectations for a Pedreira but Eveline prefers to everybody have a clean slate.