


5 years, 1 day ago


His name may or may not be Kevin.

Please read the description, the pieces below were made taking some artistic liberties. The sketches are more concept art than actual representations of the character.

He's basically an undead faun with sheep part instead of deer parts. Most of his face is hidden under his bangs and he has some freckles around his nose and under his eyes. The skin of his face is normal-looking except around his left eye where the skin sloughed off and the bone is visible underneath. He's got deathly pale skin with a slight blueish tint and straight black hair oh his head and sheep body parts. He has both his eyeballs and they're human looking, although they're pale blue and glassy. He has two short ram horns.

He wears a well-worn cloak and a thick mantle around his neck (like the Flight Rising ones) and has peasant dress underneath, like the one on the right:

His cloak and mantle were black but are now discoloured to a dark grey. His dress is in shades of browns and beige. They're dusty and there's some dirt on it but they don't have any permanent stains on them. He carries his magic book at his waist like this:

Or this:

It's dark green, almost black with parts that look a little more green due to discolouration with embossed writings/runes around the edges.
He doesn't wear a hat.

He's a bean and is about as malicious as a wet fluffy sock.