Miss Velvet



4 years, 11 months ago


Better description and bio in the works.

Raien "Velvet" Halloway
Also known as Miss Velvet, or Lady Velvet.

A rather avid actress in her youth, she's starred in a huge number of blockbuster Holovideo hits. From the drop dead gorgeous spy, to the feminine fatale lead in the well known Heroes of the Universe series, her career is one of the most famous and well known across the nine sectors of the galactic united federation.

She's much more into writing and enjoying her retirement these days, though she still makes a few star appearances in the odd film now and again. Mostly though she prefers taking it easy and working on her various hobbies.
Currently she lives off the grid for the most part, settled on a moon colony at the edge of known space, where she's set up a bit of a small ranch. She claims it's mostly for the peace and quiet that sort of life offers, but considering her firey personality and pension for mischief, not many believe those are her only motives. Gossip runs wild in small settlements though, so who knows how much of that truth is to be believed.