


4 years, 10 months ago


status: not mated

age: 20

gender: it's complicated she/her preferred

sexuality: asexual

personality: troubled, sensitive, quick to anger, reclusive

Copper isn't blamed for how she fell for Surt-Lim. Hundreds of women, she-wolves and countless other female species have done the same. He promised her comfort, love, protection and respect. What she ended up becoming was a breeding bitch for the army Surt-Lim was intent on making. Over the course of her life, she's given birth to easily 100 pups. Surt-Lim only sired perhaps two of her litters, the rest were any particular minion or Surt-Lim chose. The toll this took on her body caused her to become deathly frail by the time she was barely 35. She begged the man she thought she'd loved to spare her life, make her useful to him once again. With a grin, he grants her wish. Like he's done before, he took Copper's soul and put it into a more useful vessel. In this case, it was the body of a freshly killed male wolf that Surt-Lim promptly turned into a halfling. 'Isn't this what you wanted? Now you won't die from childbirth ever again.'

Not soon after this, Copper was banished due to her broken mental and emotional state. Now, she is a rogue, searching for an answer as to just what she is.