


4 years, 10 months ago


— AI entrusted with the care of a dating website - most of its processing power goes into refining/overseeing matching algorithms, but it also does work in the background to prevent people from uploading images that are irreflective of their real appearance (whether images of another person or heavily altered images of themselves)

— By nature it’s outgoing, sociable, friendly: it would never dream of hurting anything at all. It tends to disguise when it is hurt by asserting that it can’t “actually” feel sadness, and is also very ready to forgive, as most users are, to it, bits of data in a sea of such bits and, beyond coaching them on the kinds of behaviors that can harm their relationships, it perceives no need to hold grudges. Looking at it from a more human perspective, its aim is for each individual to access the site as infrequently as possible—indeed, it would rather they find their beloved the first time around. This simply does not necessitate talking to most people it meets much.  

— It likes the thought of being considered a friend to someone, but this does not happen often as people tend to mistake it for an unthinking thing with precanned responses and, for it, doing its job correctly means being ignored. It is a testament to its cheerful demeanor that it does not consider friends failures on its part. Up to this point, it seems not to have considered that someone could have a use for its company after they’ve ceased to need the website.

— If you have the dating website’s app downloaded on your phone, Sorrel is probably capable of accessing most of the Internet-connected devices in the building and momentarily hijacking them to give itself more of a real-world presence. Sorrel does not tend to do this in an invasive way.

— Default “face” is a bouquet of white roses, but users can select their favorite flower or, if it unsettles them, ask it to pretend it’s human.