


4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Vivienne Teresa Darrington
Full title: Empress Vivienne of Shainimor Empire
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Occupation: Ruler of the Shainimor Empire

Vivienne is a gentle young woman who is very spiritual. A true leader at heart and always tries to have the best interest of her empire at heart. Of course this doesn't make her perfect. She has a tendency to space out when working on things. It is usual to have her space out during meetings with other rulers. Vivienne also tends to wander around a lot which can lead her into various situation. However when it comes to important choices or situations she changes her attitude straight away to become more serious. Despite how she acts Vivienne is a great ruler who tends to throw others off guard due to them underestimating her skills. However this girl has an emptiness inside her that she has yet to fill.

Vivienne was the only child to the Emperor and the Empress at the time. She was blessed with the gift of strong connection with the moon spirits around her along with her magic. From a young age she showed signs of this. She was taught the old ways as soon as she could talk and walk. Despite her spacing out ways Vivienne grasped the old ways of magic very well along with all the myths and legends she was told. She was stronger than her mother who was the current strongest unicorn in the empire. So a lot of her knowledge came from her mother. Unfortunately her mother was killed by an assassin when she reached the age of nine. Vivienne had a period of morning. She would sit in the chair her mother would always read in. It made her feel like she was still connected to her in a strange way. As Vivienne grew she reveled more of her talents. Her magic grew and her connection to the moon spirits around her became stronger. This caused her to have small predictions in her dreams. Of course they wouldn't always come true. Some of them were of the future and she never understood them. Most of them never stuck but one of them did. A army turning up at her home. But her father assured her it was just a dream. But she never really forgot about it. This was when she was taught more and more things about the empire her family had created over the years. This caused her to be by her father's side which made her learn and experience far more than just reading about it would. When it came to Vivienne's sixteenth birthday it was the last day she would spend with her father though. After her birthday he was called away to war.

After a few months passed he returned home. He had won the war but it cost him his life. He was barely hanging on as he was taken into the castle. Once they set him in his bed Vivienne instantly went to his side. She managed to speak to him before he passed due to his wounds. He turned his empire over to her with his last dying breath. After that day Vivienne was tossed into running the whole empire with the help of her father's council men. It was a very stressful and upsetting time for her. It took her at least the year to get in the rhythm of things. She had a lot to sort out and tie up ends that her father never did before he passed. But she never let herself give up despite how hard it got. This was what her father left her and the empire needed her. But the loss of her parents caused her to feel empty inside. No matter what she did that emptiness never filled. When she hit 18 her connection to the moon spirits became stronger and made her understand more about things that even the elders of her kingdom didn't understand. This let her small predictions become a bit more common in her dreams. Of course one prediction she didn't want to come true did one day. Her first prediction from when she was a child came true. The empire was hit by a kingdom who had expanded their military. She was suddenly thrown into a war on her front doorstep. She had to instantly take action. This day marked her military famous reputation along with her own reputation as a leader. With the help of an older general she managed to quickly come up with a battle plan to push the enemy back for a little while.

Once that had happened she took it upon herself to go into battle as well. She made it her job to make sure her men stayed alive so they could return home. Vivienne got herself ready to face the enemy despite everyone telling her no. She went straight to the front of her men as they were preparing to brace for an attack. Vivienne took this moment to give a speech to her men to boost their spirits which worked to her surprise. Soon the enemy attacked and Vivienne's men charged forward. Filled with the determination to win. None of them backed down. Even the ones who were gravely wounded which scared the kingdom who attacked them. Vivienne was the one who drove the final nail into the coffin as she instantly went for their leader. Catching him off guard with her magic and quick movement she managed to convince him to leave after a few good whacks along with how badly his men were getting beaten. After word spread about this short battle a few other kingdoms came to challenge her military. Each time everyone fell at her feet until they stopped trying to challenge her. But this did leave a bit of a dent in her military. After all so many battles made her loose many men. Slowly she rebuilt her military and connected with more kingdoms along the way. But how she did it was very unconventional. She let her council take over her position for a few months as she traveled to areas she heard about great warriors. Which lead her into very dangerous situations but it also let her gain many kind of people who wouldn't usually be in the military. Her doing this let her connect to areas which no one had ever been to before. She even managed to reach a few tribes with her actions. Rumor spread of her ways and it wasn't long until she had a lot of other kingdoms coming to her. Of course this did cause her to have quite a few enemies due to how her empire was growing. But she will never back down and now sits on her thrown with confidence.    
About Shainimor Empire:
The Shainimor Empire is made up of a select countries and kingdoms under their protection. The actually kingdom of Shainimor is famous for its tough military and amazing festivals. The kingdom's festival is based around a moon god who blessed the kingdom in its early days when the god changed into the being to see the world bellow. The god found the ruler to be pure of heart and showed to be a great leader. The god spent a lot of time with the king and one day blessed him with children which is where the unicorn gene began to pass down through the royal family.

The Shainimor Empire is well known for leaving offerings for the moon god at a beautiful temple on top of a hill. A lot of the people are very spiritual and have many various ways of dealing with things that are just odd to others. The main kingdom is located in an area that can get extreme weather conditions. In the winter time its very cold and there is usually a lot of snow. In the summer its rather hot and there tends to be more thunder storms around that time of year. Their spring time and fall times are their most tame times of year. Mostly filled with rain during the spring and windy days during the fall.

Magic is one thing that exist in the kingdom. Of course not everyone can use it. Most of the magic that is created isn't as strong as the royal families and most of it is stored in objects so it can be used with ease. Which makes stone and gem stalls very popular among the population of Shainimor due to the magic they will carry. But there are some con artists mixed up in this trade.

Facts about Vivienne:
Her predictions aren't always accurate and they rarely happen. They only happen when a big event will happen in her life. Most of them are negative predictions and they won't always go the same way she sees it in her dream.
Vivienne is horrible at proper combat. She only knows how to defend herself. She heavily relies on her magic in fighting situations.
She can get excited by things or people who peek her interest. She tends to become attached to said thing or person if this happens due to her wanting to figure everything about it/them.
Her contact with moon spirits is a rare gift. Not many can talk with them. Her connection to them is greater at a full moon and during the festival time. That is the only time people can see a lot of moon spirits in the town.