


4 years, 11 months ago


Rusty lives in a world where everything is grayscale.  clothing, fur, eyes, water, grass, the sky- everything is monochromatic!!

Rusty was born with a very rare power that was never seen before- he can create color!  his front paws are a light red color.  his parents were so surprised and scared for him, so they gave him a pair of gloves to hide his color from everyone.  if he were found out, fear would set into others and try to find a reason to kill him.  (Fear of the unknown)

when rusty was younger, he threw a fit and almost gave away the fact that his paws were colorful, as punishment, his parents locked him in his room all day, only letting him out to go to the bathroom and give him food.  Rusty was very bored so he stared at his paw pads, and started messing with them.  one of his ideas was to clap rapidly, mainly hoping to annoy his parents.  as he did this, he saw color spark from his hands, and suddenly a small corner of his room had color.  browns and light yellows mixed with splotches of orange and light reds.  His paws were pretty tired after doing so, but he tried again elsewhere.  more and more color came into his room.  when his parents got fed up and checked on him to find out why he kept clapping, they were horrified to see these strange colors for the first time in their lives.  his room was a mix of so many different and strange colors they got headaches.

Rusty learned to hide his power and color as he got older.  He learned that he doesnt need to keep clapping all the time to reveal color, but he can hold onto an item and focus on it to bring its color back.  as time went on these items gradually lost their color.   Rusty tries to bring the color back permanently but he cant figure out how.